
Jet Set Radio HD Review | GAMINGtruth.com

GAMINGtruth's own Andre Gamble returns to Tokyo-to and delivers the verdict on SEGA's new remake of the Dreamcast classic Jet Set Radio. JSR's signature vibrant style and cell-shaded graphics have become a trademark title for the Dreamcast and is a beloved game for SEGA fanboys everywhere.

"Jet Set Radio HD is basically the same game as Jet Grind Radio was on the Dreamcast. With it being the same game, it’s going to come with the same problems the first one had–plus a few unforeseen new (or perhaps, forgotten) ones. All in all, Jet Set Radio is still a good game. If you love everything Dreamcast as I do, then this is a must own..."

Jet Set Radio HD is now available on the Xbox LIVE Marketplace, PlayStation Network, and Steam for $9.99.

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Deeke4382d ago

Definitely a must have. This vibrant and funky tag-n-skate release seems to define Generation X during the 90's, combining youthful rebelliousness with a style that's all its own.

I love the cell-shaded graphics which have become a signature for the Dreamcast. JSR is truly a great example of SEGA's originality and ingenuity--I just wish there were more games like this!

rbailey4382d ago

Great Review and a really fun classic game.


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