
Phantasy Star Online 2 (Vita version) Hands-on Impression from TGS [GameRevolution]

GR: Three Asian journalists and one white journalist walk up to a table and sit down. This is not the beginning of a joke.

No, this was the situation when I played the Vita version of Phantasy Star Online 2 at the Tokyo Game Show. The booth worker pointed to me and said "And the player in THIS chair is the team leader!"

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knifefight4293d ago

The Vita needs some good RPGs like this.

dbjj120884293d ago

Agreed. I really can't wait for PSO2 to come stateside.

gamer78044293d ago

I agree, i hope it comes stateside for vita. fingers crossed

R_aVe_N4293d ago

Ill add that one to my list for sure.

Griffin48714293d ago

Been playing since the Japanese closed beta. It is very fun and runs very well on low end PCs despite it's slick graphics. Only thing is that it lacks content, but it is a full action MMO. And I still play it alongside GW2.

fei-hung4293d ago

Looking forward to this. Played PSO 1st on the Dreamcast and then again on the XBox.

Like the others, I hope it's not subscription based or f2p.

Anyone know how the pricing will work on this?

asyouburn4292d ago

iirc, it's free to play, with microtransactions

Griffin48714292d ago

Like Burn said, it is free to play with a Cash Shop. It's an MMO. If you don't like subs or F2P, then MMOs aren't for you, unless you are into GW2's B2P model.

fei-hung4291d ago

Well I seem videos and it looks and plays like its predecessor Phantasy Star Online and that wasn't an MMORPG from what I remember. It had a huge SP campaign, online play and downloadable quests.

I wasn't sure if this was going to be the same or different and if it were to be different, how much it would differ to PSO.

Griffin48714291d ago

No dude. It's completely online. It's an MMO. I've been playing it since JP beta and it's no different on Vita. And quests aren't actually downloaded; it's just an in-game concept.

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Jiub890d ago

WoW is a mess and it will continue to be a mess. Still, the less-developed MMOs are going to have trouble gaining a fan base because they lack content right now. Even if people do flock to FF14 or BDO, they'll go back to WoW if they fix enough features or give players a shred of hope.


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SeTTriP1045d ago

Didn't know people still played this game

Jiub1045d ago

Fewer people for certain but still a lot of people.

gleepot1045d ago

Nah, I'll keep playing the game with the millions of other people. The writing on the wall says "game is not dead" even though people have claimed it is for 15 years.

Jiub1045d ago

I'd guess that people are going to filter out but then come back for the next expac when the turmoil is over. I do worry about content delays, though.


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Daeloki1094d ago

Here, let me save you the click: "Yes, Phantasy Star Online 2 does support cross-platform play between Xbox One and PC"