
Jet Set Radio HD: The soundtrack’s still really great | SnackBarGames Review


The release of Jet Grind Radio on the Dreamcast was the kind of game that defined that system and that era in gaming for Sega. It was almost a novelty; a flashy, cartoonish presentation and mechanics that, at the time, seemed fresh. It represented a time in the industry when games that were heavily focused on style were dominate. That time, however, has passed, and Sega’s HD re-release of that classic title shows it has earned its place in history, but is merely a relic of its time.

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from the beach4390d ago

I'm guessing Andrew was high on Piss Fumes when he wrote this?


Game Music Rocks My World

Giving an opinion on a game is always a hard thing to do. Many look at gameplay, graphics, story, multiplayer, single player, etc. An aspect often overlooked is the game music in these games.

Well, GameTechZero's Richard is here to change that and showcase his favourite video game music.

What is your favourite game music?

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Splatoon+Jet Set Radio=One Awesome Track

What happens when you cross Splatoon's music with Jet Set Radio's? Something that's...pretty dang good, actually.

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BGU's Video Games Club #2 - Jet Set Radio

"Welcome back to another BGU Video Games Club. Each month we will pick a game from the video game from the vault, replay it, and discuss it your for education and enjoyment – this month we discuss criminally ignored Jet Set Radio" - Paul James of BGU

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