
Kung Fu Strike: The Warrior’s Rise Review | Gaming Age

Kung Fu Strike: The Warrior’s Rise comes to Xbox Live Arcade courtesy of developer Qooc Soft, being ported over from its PC release just this past July. It’s an action game focused solely on combat, offering up 20 or so stages that act more as arenas to fight against numerous enemies, with every fourth stage typically culminating in some type of boss battle. There’s a few oddball stages tossed in for variety, like a stage that tasks you with exploding 120 bombs over a set period of time, but for the most part it’s gameplay concepts are fairly straight forward.

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Game Critics: Kung Fu Strike: The Warrior's Rise Review

Game Critics: Very few games actually make me want to take my console or computer and chuck it out a window in sheer fury. Kung Fu Strike: The Warrior's Rise not only pushed me to that point , but did with regularity. The game's Steam page may sound like it's boasting when it claims that the game proves a challenge even on Easy, but it's not. Kung Fu Strike is hard: unrelentingly, unremittingly, and unforgivingly hard.

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IVG: Kung Fu Strike: The Warrior's Rise Review

IVG: I did enjoy Kung Fu Strike for a while, but at 800 MS Points a pop, I would be hard pressed to recommend buying it. There are better XBLA titles out there that could use those points.

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Kung Fu Strike Review | Xbox Addict

The first round begins and already Kung Fu Strike is starting out behind the eight ball. By providing limited to no story, Kung Fu Strike gets caught with a roundhouse to the gut as it fails to keep the gamers caught up in the reason for all this fighting. There are no stories about having to defend your temple and honor against an onslaught of Kung Fu competition, no stories about rouge fighters and their love interests that turn into revenge.

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