
Fieldrunners 2 HD Attacks iPad September 13 With Five New Weapons

Chris Buffa (Modojo): Praise be the video game gods. Subatomic Studios finally announced plans to bring its Fieldrunners series to the iPad with the entertaining sequel, Fieldrunners 2 HD, launching September 13, and that's not all. The critically acclaimed tower defense game will debut with five brand-new weapons, which have for you below.


20 Awesome iOS Games for $20

From the article at Grab It Magazine: "It seems like every developer and his 8-bit dog has snuck in before the App Store freeze with a tasty sale to lure a dollar or two away from Christmas players. Many of us, I’m sure, will be desperate to sneak away from Grandma for a quick bite of mobile gameplay at some point in the next week. So why not? Amongst all the so-so titles, there are some genuine gems that you’d be remiss not to snap up while the shopping is good. We just spent $20 on the sales, and these are the titles we picked up and why we think you should snap them up too!"

The article features mini-reviews and videos of each game.

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SlappingOysters3829d ago

I wonder how much money you'd have to spend on console games to get this much quality game time? At least $500 I reckon.


Awesome Official Fieldrunners 2 Strategy Guide Now Available

GamerGuides.com have created an awesome strategy guide for Fieldrunners 2! They’ve played every map, used every weapon, and unlocked every card, so if you’re stuck, this guide is definitely for you. Their team has shown incredible dedication, going above and beyond what you would normally get out of a strategy guide, so Subatomic Studios are really pleased with the final results.

Direct Guide Link: http://www.gamerguides.com/...

As an added bonus, the first thirty people who purchase the strategy guide for only $1.99 will also get a free Steam key e-mailed to them for Fieldrunners 2! Remember that you have to sign up for GamerGuides before you make your purchase.

Key Features:

* How to complete all 25 maps on Heroic difficulty with three stars.
* The tricks to earning super high-scores!
* Which levels are the best for earning those elusive gold coins!
* Complete all survival maps without a single enemy getting out.
* Every tower and item in the game – and...

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Fieldrunners Games On Sale, Free iPad Version Available, New Update Adds Polymorph Tower

Chris Buffa (Modojo): It appears that developer Subatomic Studios has been busy, as the developer just announced big news for its Fieldrunners franchise that will definitely please fans and newcomers alike.