
'Jet Set Radio HD' Review: Bad Reception | The Verge

The Verge: "Jet Set Radio HD is everything the original was, but time hasn't been kind to the stylish Dreamcast title."

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Xof4396d ago

Right, time hasn't been kind to Jet Set Radio. Because this is a genre that's REALLY come a long way in recent years.

ChunkyLover534396d ago

I still go back and play my Dreamcast version, not sure why we get all these HD updates. That is time and money that could be better spent in making new experiences.

koehler834396d ago

Because people who missed out the first time deserve to have the great experiences of the last generation too.

ChunkyLover534396d ago

Its funny that this is the defense people use, back when I got into gaming in the late 1980's I had no desire to go back and play Coleco or Atari games. Newer games are pretty much always going to play better.

On a side note, I think reviewers have absolutely no idea how to review games these days. You don't review a game that came out ten or twelve years ago the same as you would review a game now.

koehler834396d ago


Your loss dude. I sure as hell loved playing Atari and Coleco games long after getting a NES.

I suppose no one should bother reading Shakespeare, watching Ben Hur or listening to The Beatles.

Hicken4396d ago

I don't have a Dreamcast(though I'd like one, honestly), but I DO have a PS3 and a Vita(I'll probably get a 360 this holiday season). I'd like to be able to play this game I never got my hands on WITHOUT having to scour the internets for a working Dreamcast.

What do you have against giving folks a chance at playing a game they missed out on the first time around? If you actually DO go back to play your Dreamcast, then what do you have against other people wanting to play older games?

Dread4396d ago

I like HD remakes.

If you dont like them dont buy them...everyone wins

Shmotz4396d ago

Still awesome. The sound and color really pop out in the remake. My only complaint is that on the PS3 version it stutters for a second and random times.

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