
Games to keep you busy in September

Now that the novelty of Guild Wars 2 has worn off (what the hell am I talking about, it’s just gearing up!) and you need something else to play, here is the list of games coming out the rest of this month. Some of them you probably already know about if you are a fan of the series or publisher and some you may not have heard about yet. So get ready to spend your hard earned cash to have some fun.

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XB1_PS44339d ago

Now that the novelty of Guild Wars 2 has worn off (what the hell am I talking about, it’s just gearing up!)

That's pretty much all I need until borderlands 2 comes out.

schlanz4339d ago

Must... Resist... Baldurs... Gate...

Too many other games to play...

HellzAssassin4339d ago

Simply put; Borderlands 2. It'll certainly keep me busy for the upcoming months.


Jet Set Radio Reboot Early Prototype Gameplay and Screenshots Leaked

New screenshots and a video of the in-dev build from the supposed reboot of Jet Set Radio appear to have made their way online.

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Chocoburger32d ago

More environment interaction, and some parkour elements, that's what I wanted to see. Artistic style is different, but not necessarily bad.

Looking forward to seeing more.

ApocalypseShadow32d ago

"Would you stop playing with that radio of yours. I'm trying to get to sleep. Yay!"

Bring it!

phoenixwing31d ago (Edited 31d ago )

I'm happy sega seems to be doing it justice

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The Best Offline Games for iPhone and iPad

Let's take a step back into the good old days when Wi-Fi and data were nothing to worry about and look at the very Best Offline iPhone Games.

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Crazy Taxi and Jet Set Radio reboot hopes emerge after new survey

Crazy Taxi and Jet Set Radio reboot rumours are heating up again as a new SEGA survey points toward a next-gen makeover for these iconic franchises.

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SullysCigar513d ago

Crazy Taxi + PSVR2 + racing set up = Dream come true!

Number1TailzFan513d ago

I want to see a new ESPN Extreme Games, that first game on PS1 was so funny, and the video segments with that woman mocking you.