
Review: Madden '13 | Velocity Gamer

"The constant criticism that all sports games face is that, to the casual fan, they roll out the same product on a yearly basis. Slight roster tweaks and AI improvements are not going to draw every owner of Madden ’12 out to the midnight releases. Granted, they still draw a big crowd, but the push in virtual sports is innovation. Lagging behind its NCAA counterpart for years, Madden took the 2012-2013 season as an opportunity to do a massive franchise facelift, introducing two new highly touted features as well as a new pair of commentators in an attempt to mostly bolster the realism of the game while maintaining its strong core mechanics." - Joshu C, Velocity Gamer

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Top 10 Madden Cover Curses

Since the Super Bowl is this Sunday, GamerU is celebrating by revisiting their Madden NFL themed Top 10 list. Today, they're taking another look at the Top 10 instances that players have fallen victim to the infamous “Madden Cover Curse.”


Trades Winds: Does Sports Game AI Match Up To Real GMs?

GameInformer: "We try to recreate the biggest sports trades of the past seasons in NBA 2K13, NHL 13, and Madden NHL 13. Which, if any, series gets it right?"

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Who Wants to Play As an Accused Murderer in Madden?

Kotaku - It was never so evident of how image-conscious sports leagues can be until Aaron Hernandez, who played tight end for New England, was arrested and charged with first-degree murder on June 26.