
Final Fantasy XIII, Gears of War 2, Motorstorm 2, Alan Wake at GDC 2008?


"What games will be at GDC 2008? The infamous Surfer Girl says three of the above titles will be there, along with four more "definites". We can confirm seven others."

sonarus6018d ago

motorstorm 2 better not try coming out without split screen. i cnt wait for msoft keynote. hopefully they wnt jst show gears 2, too human and alan wake. already seen too human not interested. alan wake looks good if they show it lets hope it wows and then gears will definetly make it into their keynote. hopefully 2 more aaa quality titles will be shown as well.

Panthers6018d ago

I think we will see more at GDC especially since E3 is not what it used to be. I am REALLY hoping for Socom information. I am going to go nuts if they do not show anything.

SoulReaper6018d ago

Didn't Microsoft confirmed that Alan Wake is not going to be at this GDC?? I am really hyped for Final Fantasy XIII, Motor Storm,Infamous, Socom Confrontation, Killzone 2 and Wipe Out for the PS3.

As for the 360 Gears of War 2 and Ninja Gaiden 2.

Why isn't Sony going to show Heavy Rain, White Knight Story, Eight Days ,Gateaway and War Devil??

Are they saving it up for E3??

Close_Second6018d ago

...is a complete overhaul. It needs replays, time-trials (i.e. practice) and qualifying modes. A better league system and customisation options.

Oh, being able to skip crash sequences would be great also.

mesh16018d ago

Games i would like to see at gdc too human,gears2,fable2,splinter cell,
Alan wake,gt4,fallout 3,forz3 and many more.they will make great addition to my 360 games.

+ Show (1) more replyLast reply 6018d ago
skynidas6018d ago

Cant wait to see what happens on GDC!!!

zonetrooper56018d ago

Only 15 more days until GDC as of typing.

meepmoopmeep6018d ago

time just flies by when you're having fun.

can't wait to see more FFXIII but i hope they reveal some other great stuff, of which, i'm sure.

heyheyhey6018d ago

with all the big games announced and under speculation GDC is going to be an awesome event this year

hopefully SG is right about motorstorm 2- i was a big fan of the first one and i really hope we get to see whats up with the second one

i also heard that there is a heavenly sword sequel in the works and i hope there will be a sequel to Lair that improves upon what the first one failed to do

also i really hope we hear what the deal is with ZOE 3

heyheyhey6018d ago

1hr long M$ speech? what can they possibly have that can keep us interested for 1 hour?

BioShock 2- i hope so

TheMART6018d ago (Edited 6018d ago )

Gears of War 2
Bioshock 2
Too Human
GTA IV with its two exclusive episodes on the 360
Price drop on the 360
Ninja Gaiden 2
Forza 3 head to head on GT5
Splinter Cell: Conviction
Fable 2
Alan Wake

and a lot, a lot more

rofldings6018d ago

That's it? I guess Sony & Co. will be up there for almost 16 hours then.

Jason 360_Niglet6018d ago

I hope they show forza 3 at GDC.... Forza 2 was great but it was still missing that most important thing - c*ckpit view. Lets hope they announce the 3rd installment at GDC

candystop6018d ago

They can say alot more then what Sonys been saying over and over again for the past 3 years lol! I think this show and E3 will be more focused on what MS has to say rather then Sony because MS has some how managed to build more excitement then the PS3 by not showing it's full hand everytime out of desperation! SOny's already shown everything so now it's time for MS to shine slowly send out news and bring excitement back to gaming! No offense Sony but your games library did look good or ok but is starting to look boring and loose it's excitement to me personally! Heck I was thinking this was Sony's year but now I'm starting to really believe that after GDc and E3 MS will be on top again and Sony will be back in the we totally suck position!

LastDance6018d ago (Edited 6018d ago )

HAHA oh mart i cant see it now. The peak of the speach

"yes and also...Us at microsoft got 2 extra .AHEM .."episodes" on OUR version of GTA4...Yes thats right. because we know what our fans Love....MORE missions to play on GTA coz we here at microsoft know every1 plays the game for its missions....And i THINK we fixed the rrod..maybe.
We umm Havent got much else going on.. we are making a sequal to one of our games so we can make more money..it think its called something or rather..you know.. a name watever.($) ($)... im not sure if they put a storyline in it this time around...Umm...our development teams dont want to hold you down with too much storyline.... WE RULE..

Thank you."

Rockstar6018d ago

The next highly anticipated Scene it!

They'll just play that for an Hour.

I kid, I kid.

Or do I?

Hey, It could be there, although I'm sure it won't take an hour to show that off.

the mart im gay6018d ago

Im sorry i didnt mean to say that. Im a loser with noi lofe. Have pity on a retarded bot....

+ Show (4) more repliesLast reply 6018d ago
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Here Are The Games Leaving PS Plus Extra & Premium In May 2024

Here are the games that will be leaving the Extra and Premium tiers of the PS Plus subscription service in the month of May, 2024.

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gold_drake101d ago

crazy, glad i own the ones i wanted to revisit and play

ChasterMies101d ago

Absolver Downfall
Final Fantasy VII
Final Fantasy VIII Remastered
Final Fantasy IX
Final Fantasy X | X-2
Final Fantasy XII The Zodiac Age
Final Fantasy XV Royal Edition
How To Survive 2
I Am Dead
Last Stop
Moster Jam Steel Titans 2
My Friend Pedro
Sundered Eldritch Edition
The Artful Escape
The Messenger
This Is The Police
This Is The Police 2
World of Final Fantasy

Asterphoenix101d ago

Glad that I absolutely can't stand subscription services.

Petebloodyonion101d ago (Edited 101d ago )

I don't recall Sony forcing you to subscribe like nobody forced you to go to Blockbuster to rent games instead of buying them.

SonyStyled101d ago

Pay-per-view was almost cheaper than the cost of gas and rental fee from Blockbuster. Blockbuster doesn’t exist today. Are you being sarcastic?


Gamer buys 4,000 copies of Alan Wake, none of them work

Alan Wake, from Max Payne and Control creator Remedy, is a horror classic, prompting one player to buy 4,000 copies that don’t even work.

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roadkillers102d ago

Kind of a goody story...

On a serious note, that is why I try activating gift cards asap. It's happened to me where the store didnt scan it right where the card was unusuable. Happened at Wally World.

gigoran8102d ago

wait, that place is real? national lampoon wasn't kidding?

Tacoboto101d ago

I just bought two of the MonsterVerse Godzilla movies on 4K - both had digital copies expiring in 2023. Both were actually expired.

I'd be surprised but it's WB, of course they'd actually expire them

Knightofelemia102d ago

Usually most of those redemption card have an expiry date on them. If they expired all buyer did was buy recycled paper. And some of those codes are country locked to certain countries. I buy a card from the States I can't use it in Canada.

Chocoburger101d ago

Dumb and silly story. She wasted her money for no reason.

Is it really that hard to go to Steam or GOG. She spent $240, when its currently 70% off on GOG, and only costs $4.49.

Gee, I wonder, should I spend $240 on eBay, or $4.49 on GOG? 🙄

Rynxie101d ago

Most likely she wanted to resell a few or most of them. However, it was a too good to be true situation.

101d ago
Profchaos101d ago

So in short she paid $240.00 assuming usd for a bunch on unactivated game codes.

I still don't understand why I guess cause there's not a physical version and she wanted something for a collection or art project.

Rynxie101d ago

No, most likely to resell. However, she ended up getting screwed.

Asplundh101d ago

This is Alan Wake 1, it had physical copies.

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Final Fantasy XV Review – A Royal Road Trip

Gary Green said: With my fondness for (most) Final Fantasy games and my side goal of finishing off games in my collection with loose ends, a return to Final Fantasy XV seemed inevitable. It also serves as my third Final Fantasy platinum trophy after VII and VIII, a reasonable substitute since Final Fantasy IX is nigh on impossible to master.

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