
Kaz Hirai: PS Vita Performing Almost As Expected

Kazuo Hirai, Sony CEO and President, has said that the Vita's sales are not all that bad for the company.

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zebramocha4410d ago (Edited 4410d ago )

If those are his words verbatim,it suggest they had a higher expectation but may have been unrealistic that's why he said "almost" and adjust the sales of the vita.

gaffyh4410d ago

Well tbh, if they expected low sales, what that means is that it isn't a big issue for them that sales are low at the moment. This is either because they're making profit at the current price, or because they expected holiday sales to be stronger than the March-August period, which has low sales anyway, or both.

gaffyh4410d ago

Or of course, damage control.

joeorc4410d ago

" He expected low sales??"

the device is not subsidised, the only other dedicated Handheld game system is Nintendo and it is $100.00 less than the PSVita that is with what many say when you have to buy a Blank Memory card. and its price is the same as the PS3. and we are in a world wide recession, plus did'nt many people even today still say there is "no game's they are interested that's on the PSVita"

all that going against the PSVita add in smartphones, Tablet's and you have a very competitive market, Sony is atleast offering a system that is not just made by Nintendo in this part of the market!

Nintendo is the handheld leader for dedicated Game console Handhelds, but that does not mean you could not offer an alternative to Nintendo.

+ Show (1) more replyLast reply 4410d ago
Mustang300C20124410d ago

Yep. Talk about lowered expectations.

Anon19744410d ago

This isn't news. Sony reported two months ago that they were happy with Vita sales and they were in line with expectations and this was knowing that they were about to make an adjustment to the PSP/Vita sales forecast for the year as they had to do initially with the PS3, like Microsoft had to do with the 360, as Nintendo had to do with the 3DS, etc. They went further and noted that digital sales were actually performing much better than anticipated.

Sony's not one to shy away from admitting when something isn't meeting expectations, just like Nintendo has addressed and apologized in the past for issues with 3DS. But the truth is, the Vita could disappear overnight and it wouldn't matter to Sony's investors. The Vita is such a small source of revenue compared to the behemoth that is Sony, shareholders don't even blink regarding the portable market, any more than investors were all worked up about the performance of the Windows 7 phones. Sure sales could be better, but it's not like do or die in terms of the big picture.

People have to remember that when it comes to these sales discussions, they need to have some perspective. A lot of these "Sony doom" articles miss that point. Nintendo is in a different boat. More than half their revenue was from DS hardware and software sales for awhile. The 3DS needs to replace that lost revenue quickly because it's such a huge part of what Nintendo does. Sony and Microsoft simply aren't in the same position. Microsoft doesn't even care about the mobile market, to Sony it's just another in a huge list of electronic products they offer spanning everything from cameras to TV's to stereo equipment.

DivineAssault 4410d ago

i love my vita.. Too bad its not doing as well as it should be.. The memory & lack of backwards compatibility transfers really hurt em.. Most ppl dont want to give up their collection of UMDs & dont want to pay all that money for memory.. Vita is awesome tho & im buying lots of new games & IPs on it for the nx 2 years.. Sadly im going to need an expensive 32GB card as well for the crossbuy titles, psp, ps1, & psn games.. My 16GB is almost full with apps n demos

rhcpfan4410d ago

Honestly, I think it's because most people aren't even aware it exists.

garos824410d ago

thing that has been holding me back at the moment is the pricey memory cards, i dont want to by the 4 or 8 gig. hoping a drop in card price will be announced soon or a bundle with a hefty memory card included

DivineAssault 4410d ago

They arent marketing it very well in my opinion.. The commercials ive seen in the states just show someone taking their home console game on the go to continue playing instead of them showing that vita can have its own identity.. I didnt buy vita for console ports, i want original titles & theyre coming very soon..

testerg354410d ago

I'm not sure if its a great deal but amazon has the 32gb card for sale at $72.

Honestly I didn't even know the 32gb retails for $99. WOW.. You can now get 32gb SD for $20.

Alos884410d ago

That's pretty depressing if true.

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Our Favorite Kaz Hirai Moments

Alex S. from Link-Cable writes: "what better wait to wish him well in his future endeavors than to recall our favorite moments from his time at Sony? That’s what we’re doing today in a special KOTRC that looks back at the man, the legend, the Kaz."

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1926d ago Replies(1)
ApocalypseShadow1925d ago

My favorite moment is when he turned the Sony ship around resulting in almost the utter destruction of their opponent in every important metric you can come up with that shut the mouths of the opposition and the naysayers that Sony would not be in the driver's seat. Resulting in worthless metrics from other parties to cover up the truth.

My most favorite moment.

timotim1925d ago

He had some zingers for sure. Love that guy.

DillyDilly1925d ago

No Ridge Racer mentions

You guys suck

Bismarn1925d ago

I have a lot of favorite Kaz Hirai moments, but it's inappropriate to mock him at this retirement.

it's ridge racer

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Former Sony CEO and PlayStation boss Kaz Hirai retires

Former Sony CEO and PlayStation boss Kaz Hirai has retired. He will remain a senior adviser for the company following 35 years of service.

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Eonjay1926d ago

Also hands down the best fake twitter account of all time.

jeremyj29131925d ago

But for real tho😂😂😂

bouzebbal1925d ago

He was an amazing exec..
His English was perfect, he excels at communicating.

hiredhelp1925d ago

He actually was... I no longer own playstation since start ps4 as retired back to PC but dam there was something about kaz I loved...

specialguest1925d ago (Edited 1925d ago )

The same with me. I owned the PS3 and retired back to PC during the start of the PS4.

Too me it felt like the end of an era for console gaming as a whole after the PS3 generation.

BLizardXD1925d ago (Edited 1925d ago )

In short it depends on how kaz made gaming more attractive to you. speaking purely from my perspective -

I considered Ken kutaragi as part of my A-team, next to Hayao Nakayama, Shigeru Miyamoto, followed by peter moore in the US. I particularly viewed Kaz Hirai as part of the catalyst for pushing games to be closer to movies in oder to be considered AAA.

a good thing you ask? yes and no, leading all the way to the future. instead of games being designed to be entertaining games are being pushed to meet hardware expectations. it sounded great at first but now it's buckling the industry unfortunately. which is why sony was a no show this E3. with more games needing to meet hardware expectations fewer games will be produced in a much longer development cycle.

it all depends though on how their gaming devision made games more attractive to you. we have moved in the direction of graphics mattering to not mattering back to mattering. and all of this is at the cost of games needing to be longer in development.

my two cents.

OB1Biker1925d ago

I don't know why you have so many disagrees. From many perspectives serious or funny or even with memes and parody, hes become a legend I would say.

zodiac9091925d ago

This is N4G mate, the community is a Sh*t show above all else...I got my account suspended for a month for saying Days Gone did not look too good in terms of graphics. This site is a joke, especially in terms of rules.

+ Show (1) more replyLast reply 1925d ago
1926d ago Replies(4)
Relientk771926d ago

Kaz is the man. Thank you for all you have done for Sony and gaming.

UnholyLight1925d ago

I'll never forget watching....RiiiiiIIIIIIDDDDGE EE RACCCERRRRRR

Neonridr1926d ago

he deserves to just kick back on a beach somewhere earning 20%.. Thank you for all you have done Kaz.

Bathyj1925d ago

Thank you for that reference.
That's a nice suit too. John Phillips. London.

I have 2 myself.

darthv721925d ago

But unlike Hans... Kaz may actually get to earn that 20%.

Imalwaysright1925d ago

I don't understand why you got so many disagrees.

Neonridr1925d ago

lol.. clearly we don't have as many Die Hard fans as I thought. I am glad to see some people got it though

2pacalypsenow1926d ago

Enjoy your retirement.

You've earned it.

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The Analog Circle Podcast: Are We Headed Towards Another Game Crash?

In this weeks episode Kiaun will discuss Sony's State Of Play Event,Wolfenstein Young Bloods has a release date along with other details about the game,Starfield and Elders Scroll 6 will not be at E3 ,The Last Of Us Part 2 could release towards the end of the year,Monolith Soft could be working on the next Zelda game,the Sega Genesis Mini will come with 40 games. All these stories and more in episode 95.

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