
Deadlight | TGC Review

Deadlight promised to be both different and good, and only delivered on half of its hype.

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Games that are better on the second playthrough

Some games require more than one playthrough to fully experience. Here are seven games that are better on the second playthrough.

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520d ago
Levii_92520d ago

Red Dead 2 ? Who would ever want to play that slow ass bloated overly long game twice ! Not to mention going through those awfully designed main missions.

Storm23519d ago

Agreed. I couldn't even finish it the first time.

DankSinatra519d ago

I mean, I did. I enjoyed every bit of the 3 times I played through it. Just because you didn’t enjoy it doesn’t mean others won’t. Not every game is for everyone.

Demetrius519d ago

Ikr I thoroughly enjoyed red dead 2 one of the best open world games

Levii_92519d ago

But the first game is one of my favourite games ever.. i have no idea what happend with the second game but Rockstar needs to change it’s game design, especially how those main missions are designed. It’s severly outdated. Oh and actually make the gameplay enjoyable and not so slow and clunky.

519d ago
519d ago
DankSinatra519d ago

“But the first game is one of my favourite games ever.. i have no idea what happend with the second game but Rockstar needs to change it’s game design, especially how those main missions are designed. It’s severly outdated. Oh and actually make the gameplay enjoyable and not so slow and clunky.“

Believe me, I recently replayed the first one and it’s worse in both structure and game design. Don’t let nostalgia misplace that. RDR 2 is definitely an improvement but it’s rockstar in general that needs to open up their handholding on missions.

anast519d ago

I got almost 700 hrs in that game. so, here is at least one person.

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Nacho_Z519d ago

Some games have good incentives for multiple playthroughs but you can never beat experiencing it for the first time. Caelid for the first time? Mindblowing. Second time around it's just Caelid again.

Abear21519d ago

Bioshock, Skyrim, and Darkest Dungeon for me

gold_drake519d ago

definitely the Soul games and Bloodborne haha.

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Best Zombie Games for Xbox One

GF365: "Here are the best zombie games for Xbox One. Many of these post-apocalyptic zombie games are also available on other platforms. Plus, you can play any of these games on Xbox Series X and S via backward compatibility."

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10 Saddest Video Game Stories

GF365: "A well-written and heart-touching video game can bring almost anyone to tears, and it's not always a bad thing. There are countless titles that have executed the concept of tragedy perfectly. Here are the saddest video game stories."

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shinoff2183625d ago

Deadliest was an awesome game. Glad to see it get recognition. I remember seeing it in ebay physically I had to buy it.

Snookies12625d ago

NieR: Automata's focus on existentialism hit me so hard, I legitimately had a brief existential crisis from it. It actually had me contemplating life and death. One of the many factors that contributed to Automata overtaking Chrono Trigger as my favorite game of all time. I've been gaming since Bionic Commando on NES. So I never really thought I'd find a game that could usurp Chrono Trigger for me, personally.

gold_drake625d ago

i mean i love the Nier franchise but to contemplate life and death ... maybe a therapist would help? not being funny about it.

Zeldafan64624d ago

Xenoblade Chronicles was what dethroned Chrono Trigger as my favorite rpg ever.

DrDoomer625d ago

these zoomers don't know about Silent Hill 2?

Elda625d ago

TLOU had a couple of touching moments but the entire story wasn't sad to me. But it was a story of survival so I guess the entire predicament of living in those conditions can be considered sad & I guess the same can be said for The Walking Dead..lol. Sekiro,Spec Op & Dark Souls story didn't seem sad to me nor did Nier:Automata. To each their own to how someone interprets a sad story.

VerminSC625d ago

Dude, the main characters daughter dies in his arms in the first 30 minutes of the game. Then 2 brothers die in front of you in a horrible heartbreaking way. Followed by the conclusion where Joel chooses Ellie’s life and dooms mankind!

😂 Not sad at all

goldwyncq625d ago

Sarah’s death was sad, didn’t care about the 2 brothers at all, and I fully support Joel’s decision to save Ellie because mankind was beyond saving at that point anyway, so it was more bittersweet than sad, knowing how it would strain Ellie and Joel’s relationship going forward.

Elda625d ago

For me, the beginning was sad in TLOU everything else was just touching moments. Again as I stated in my initial comment.."To each their own for how someone interprets what is & isn't sad"

HeliosHex625d ago

I found resident evil village to be sad.

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