
Gaming Rivalry and Cost

Jeff of Just Press Start writes:

"This is an article about the cost of gaming, but from a different perspective:"

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Davedough4296d ago

I have no problem paying for content as long as it delivers what my hard earned money asks for. I think the current price point for games is spot on and I understand the need for consoles to have a high initial price to make up R&D. So long as you don't absolutely have to have the latest and greatest right now, prices always drop for the frugal gamers.

JPSJeffOrt4295d ago

I agree with you about the initial high console price, although I still have trouble justifying $60 for a new title... I'm more concerned with understanding the brand loyalty, and I think it truly has to do with justifying a purchase if buying ALL of the consoles just isn't an option- It's why we get so upset when a game we LOVE gets a bad review- It somehow makes our choices seem ill-informed.

rainslacker4295d ago

I don't think the console wars really have anything to do with brand loyalty. Or at least the brand loyalty is manufactured and actually doesn't reflect how the majority of people play their games.

Nowadays everybody and their brother, and their brother's dog can have an easily manageable website/blog so we end up having way too many places to get gaming "news". Since gaming news is rather sparse, most of it ends up being commentary and opinions on various factors that effect the industry and player, and occasionally a game or two. So now we have all these sites/blogs competing for hits and the best way to generate hits is to have inflammatory articles, half-a$$ed rumors, and out-of-context quotes.

On top of that the console wars give people a reason to feel superior, and that's about all the internet forums are about nowadays. Back in the days of NES/Sega and Atari/Commodore the "war" was much less dramatic. We liked the systems we had and talked it up to make us feel superior to our friends, but we would still go to each others houses and play their games.

JPSJeffOrt4295d ago

It's true that anybody can start a website and start cranking out content (ahem). However, there DOES seem to be an audience for it. As you say, people want to feel superior, so they tend to frequent sites like that provide them content that agrees with their opinions. As you mention in a later comment, I also think the wars are insane- but I was never really a part of them even back in the day. Probably because I couldn't afford either a SNES OR Genesis and had to be happy with my NES (and PC). It would be nice if gaming forums could be filled with reasoned discourse like this, and I was hoping maybe I could provide a small safe haven for people who don't need to hate a system they don't prefer.

takohma4295d ago

"Most gamers can only afford to support one major platform. Therefore, we need to justify the money they’ve spent on that platform. In order to do that, we logically conclude that what we’ve bought is the only “good” alternative, because we need to vilify that which we cannot access. We feel forced to make a choice, and we resent it."

I read this and I have to disagree. I purchased my PS3 first because of the previous exclusives that were going to be sequels for ie. God of War, Tekken (before I know it was going multi) I eventually got a 360 for Gears and honestly gears only but I have had tons of fun on both systems. I was never jealous of any system that I didnt have. If there was something I didnt purchase it was because I truly didnt want it or it didnt appeal to me. If I (or anyone) really want a game system they didnt have you WILL find a way to get funds to purchase it. Not arguing with the guy I get what he's saying and agree with some of it but not that quote I took.

JPSJeffOrt4295d ago

You make an excellent point here. I'm the same way- Eventually I'll probably pick up a PS3 since I've always wanted to try Uncharted and Little Big Planet. I don't think all gamers fall into this mold, but I really do believe that's where the "angry fanboys" are coming from. Thanks for the feedback!

rainslacker4295d ago

I agree with you. I actually picked up the PS3(and Vita) all within the first month of launch. For me it was because I have never once been disappointed in a Sony gaming system, as they released lots of games in a large variety of genres. Even this generation, the only thing that disappoints me is the number and variety of JRPG's on the system. I don't own an Xbox and probably won't buy the next one unless it starts coming out with games that truly appeal to me that I can't get on the PS4, but I wouldn't discourage other people from picking it up if they saw value in it. That may all be because I'm in my 30's now and think the console wars as they are today are just kind of dumb and serve no real purpose to gaming.

takohma4294d ago

I'm right behind you. Just turned 28 ten days ago. Starting to feel like the console wars are just ridiculous, well actually felt like that for a few years.


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