
Why The Release of Borderlands On PlayStation Plus Could Be A Game Changer

Gamers-Association.com: It's no secret that PlayStation Plus is becoming quite a game-changer, and the availability of free access to Borderlands right before the release of the sequel only solidifies the fact.

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GribbleGrunger4317d ago (Edited 4317d ago )

First of all we'd have to know the exact number of PS+ users to draw any conclusion with sales figures of Borderlands 2. Clearly Sony must have decent numbers, otherwise devs wouldn't support it, but I still think it's in the experimental stage at the moment. Luckily, some devs are risking it to see if it does make a difference to the sequels. It all depends on how well those games do. If they do well then PS+ could become HUGE. If they don't do any better than expected, then PS+ will have continued steady success, but won't become as dominant as it could have been.

Of course we're still waiting on the Vita version and how PSMobile will be integrated. Gaikai at some point, but not just yet. It's interesting times ahead and PS+ has me very interested.

rainslacker4316d ago

I agree, it's too soon to really draw a correlation between PS+ and sequel sales numbers.

For me personally though I am looking forward to Borderlands on PS+ because I've heard a lot of good things about the game since it's release but could never bring myself to buy it. I'm not a huge fan of playing online, but if the game is as good as everyone is saying I will likely pick up the 2nd one, which is why they're probably offering it for free right now, as it's basically easy advertising.

bahabeast4316d ago

It would be good seeing that the new game is around soon. But playstation plus is and has been pretty awsome, big name games are on thier now soo its onli good for 2k.

mewhy324316d ago

But isn't PSN free??????????????????????????

FunAndGun4316d ago

yes, PSN is free. You can still play the single player and multiplayer portion of your games for free over PSN. You also get access to Netflix, Youtube, Hulu, Vudu, a web browser (Pandora), and other apps for FREE.

PS+ is an optional rental service if you choose to get more gaming for your dollar.

In no way shape or form does PS+ prevent you from enjoying all the other benefits of PSN if you don't pay.

DarthJay4316d ago

This game has been available by itself for as cheap as $10 and I got the GOTY for 15 (I already had the original and all the DLC on Xbox 360). There has been no lack of hype surrounding the first one or the second one, and I would think at those prices, anyone that was remotely interested would already own this game.

People will check it out because it is "free," and sure, it will sell a few more games, but the people that weren't even willing to invest $10 into the game knowing there was a second one coming out and not knowing it was eventually going to be free are obviously not going to run out and spend 60 on the new one just because.

I kind of chuckle at this notion about how all these free games PS+ is putting out are so awesome. Every single one of them has been completely phased out of retail, with even Amazon clearancing them out, and many of them were completely ignored when they came out.

Borderlands bucks that trend, but it's a nearly three year old game. It's a great tactic by Gearbox, because the worst thing that can happen is someone that hadn't had the chance to play their game, plays their game. They may make a few extra bucks on DLC and ideally this opportunity in the next three weeks makes someone run out and buy Borderlands 2, but realistically, I don't think it will translate into more than a few sales (which is still better than where they were before).

Axonometri4316d ago

I'm sorry but I disagree. The games that have been on ps+ have not all been "phased out of retail." There have been New games.

Gearbox doesnt seem to be in need to make desperate moves to pick up any extra sales. it's a great move on their part to select ps+. More studios should and wil likely do so, and not just to pump sequel launches.

Playstation Plus' instant game collection sort of mimicks Apple app store "free" "free for a day" model. And as proof with Apple, it can be profitable and generate sales.

Now all we have to do is get everyone supporting it and watch this massive train roll out. PS+ has massive potential. It's up to consumers and studios to recognize that.

Meanwhile watch Microsoft starting to react. While I support both, would be great to see M$ drop paid online and adopt Playstation and soon to be new baby Wii U's free model.

DarthJay4316d ago

Which new games do you speak of? Retail games, not arcade. Just Cause 2, Warhammer, Infamous 2 and Saints Row 2 are all already phased out or close to completely phased out. Ratchet and Clank and Little Big Planet 2 are getting close to that point and already are out of some stores. All of them have been out for close to a year or more.

I agree. It is a great move by Gearbox. Push a game out a game for free that at this point can pretty much only be purchased used, that was released almost three years ago, and hope people buy DLC and you make a small handful of new fans. It LOOKS great, and that is the point. There is absolutely nothing for them to lose at this point.

Look, I see the benefit of PS+, which is why I have it even though I use my PS3 less than 10 hours a month, if even five. My point was that I seriously doubt this, on it's own, is going to generate much more than a few handful of sales... which by the way, is great. Even if it generates 10 extra sales, they did NOTHING to get them and the more important part is the PR.

It doesn't even matter, because it is not trackable. I hope it generates a massive amount of sales. It's one of my favorite games of all time and I want Gearbox to keep making them. So yeah, sign me up.

BitbyDeath4315d ago

Games coming out last year are considered old?

If not then -

Infamous 2, Dues Ex, Motorstorm Apocolaypse.

ZeroX98764316d ago

The game is just awesome and the second iteration is shaping to be one hell of a game, but there's still games that didn't play that game. One reason that could be behind this is the same reason why some of my friends didn't play this game:

some of them don't like FPS a lot, but when they realized the fact that it's more than just an ordinary FPS. Some of them played it with me on splitscreen and they almost bought the game right away.

MySwordIsHeavenly4316d ago

It's definitely something I'll download, but I already play Borderlands: GOTY on Steam with friends. :/ It was only like $5 on the Steam Christmas sale last year.

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