
10 of the most visually satisfying cities featured in video games

Bracken Lee-Rudolph from ITF Gaming writes: A city in a video game is always an interesting thing to see implemented. The devil is often in the detail with cities and can either be the selling point or downfall of the areas. Whether they serve as hub-areas, environments under siege or prime locations for loot, to see a city well-crafted, and later well-explored, is truly a delight to any virtual adventurer.

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Perjoss4409d ago

I loved Shanghai in Deus Ex Human Revolution.

guitarded774409d ago (Edited 4409d ago )

I'm not gonna knock on the article, because I thought it was an interesting list and the author clearly put some thought into it.

On that note, I think New Marais from inFAMOUS2 was a visually satisfying city in a video game. I highly agree with the author's picks of Mass Effect and Saboteur. Another visually satisfying city is definitely Rapture, and the new sky city coming in Bioshock Infinite.

Dugstar4409d ago

I loved Shenmue 1 and 2 in regards to locations. .. I know there old but at the time it was amazing and not much came close.

EL Lanf4409d ago

I do still love the Imperial City's sheer expanse for an ES game city, though it wasn't necessarily the coolest looking one, it was just amazing how much time you could spend there.

For Fallout though, I think Megaton or some of New Vegas's locales such as New Vegas itself or perhaps Freeside were much cooler than Rivet City - once you were inside, it was just the same dull looking place as half the maintenance corridors you were in.

Venice in AC2 was beautiful, but when comparing other cities to ones in the Bethesda RPGs, despite how much better they look, they're just not nearly as alive when there's far less interaction or consequence of action's against the residents.

ITFGaming4409d ago

Eternal Sonata also featured some vibrant cities :)

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6 Friendliest Characters in Games

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thorstein397d ago

Dogmeat: *bark!*

Translation: you are dead to me.


You can probably add Karlach to this from BG3


Don't let the Assassin's Creed Free Weekend Sneak up on You

This weekend from August 10-14, players can play for free Assassin’s Creed II, Brotherhood, Revelations, Black Flag and Valhalla on Xbox, PlayStation and PC (availability dependent on platform).

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dumahim411d ago

Thanks for the warning. I sure would have hated to have been surprised by installing a ubisoft game on accident.

Profchaos411d ago

Because you can't play all the games on every subscription already

KillBill410d ago

Valhalla is not on GamePass.

anast410d ago (Edited 410d ago )

I like Valhalla. The others haven't aged well.


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Chriswheeler22595d ago

The Pursuer from Dark Spuls 2 was great, I think the author just sucks at games.

philm87594d ago

The Godskin Duo is a great fight