
So long Studio Liverpool and thanks for all the Feisar

Sony’s announcement of the closure of Studio Liverpool marks the end of an era for PlayStation. An era that spanned three home consoles, top-quality games, and – for the PlayStation brand – 17 years of wonderful gaming. The iconic Wipeout series continually set a technological benchmark throughout that period while the studio and their games are in the DNA of every PlayStation gamer, making the news of their demise as sad as it is shocking.

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KingofGambling4303d ago

Gaming community will miss you Sony Liverpool.

BitbyDeath4303d ago

Apparently this merger was planned years ago, it's just finally taken place now -


kwyjibo4303d ago

Merging? Are you joking? This is a closure. All projects cancelled.

BitbyDeath4302d ago (Edited 4302d ago )

The studio was closed but *most* of the staff were moved to evolution studios as per the article.

kwyjibo4302d ago

"As per the article"?

What article? Not this one, or any that I've read.

Here's Sony's official statement, "We will be looking to relocate the team members throughout the studios, but unfortunately some redundancies will be necessary and in those cases we will assist staff in any way we can."

No mention of Evolution, definitely no confirmation that "most" employees will survive.

You're making light of job losses and a studio closure in order to whitewash for your favourite publicly traded company, or just to appear "right" on the internet. Well done.

soljah4303d ago

so zipper and now liverpool 2 of the biggest sony development houses that helped build the playstation brand in the beginning. oh well i guess nothing lasts forever

Nicaragua4303d ago

difference being that zipper have been pretty mediocre since their PS2 glory days whereas studio liverpool have been consistently good.

Adolph Fitler4303d ago

Sucks that now these guys along with Cambridge Studios & Team Soho.
Whats next? I'm getting very nervous that Team Ico may be next seeing there newest game hasn't been seen or heard of for a couple of years.

abzdine4303d ago (Edited 4303d ago )

Team Ico hasn't released a game since 2004 or 06, i prefer Sony to close them rather than Liverpool who released 3 games since 07 (WipEout HD, Fury and 2048).

Ico, SoTC or TLG are great games but they are not selling well and they take too long time to make.

torchic4303d ago

controversial opinion but I agree.

Studio Liverpool is to Sony as the lungs are to the human body. not the most major organ but still a vital one nonetheless. am I right in saying that Wipeout is the only Sony exclusive that has appeared on every Sony console? it must've been a really difficult decision for Sony though.

would rather Team ICO get the cut than Studio Liverpool.

abzdine4303d ago

it's the end of playstation for me cause WipEout is PlayStation and PlayStation is WipEout.

it's the reason for me to but a Sony system cause i'm a huge fan of this legendary saga.

i'm seriously planning to boycott next Sony systems if there is no WipEout on them.

ravinash4303d ago

Wipeout was one of the first games to come out when the PS3 started and one of the first downloadable.
It was also one of the first to use 3D when it was updated later on.
Sony Liverpool really did their bit to push the playstation brand and get in there to use the latest tech, so it is really sad to see them go.
I really think Sony has made the wrong decision here and can only hope that their going to use the talent in Sony Liverpool to make new companies or backup the current developers Sony has.

abzdine4303d ago

they closed the studio they didn't say they cancel and stop WipEout. we'll have to wait and see how it's gonna be next and wait for a sony comment on the subject

TBM4303d ago

really boycotting a console because one game might not be on it? last i saw i didn't buy my PS1, 2, or 3 just for wipeout lol. yea I'll be purchasing the the next for the variety they give me.

this was a tough business decision for them and i feel bad for the studios that got closed this gen, but business is business and i hope the people find work soon.

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Is Sony Reviving Studio Liverpool?

Junkie Monkeys: As most of you know Sony shut the doors on SCE Studio Liverpool over a year ago. This move crushed many PlayStation gamers’ hearts, because this studio has had a long and rich history with PlayStation. A recent trademark filed by Sony has me curious about a few things concerning Studio Liverpool’s revival, except this time it seems they may be going back to the studio’s roots.

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BG115793900d ago

That would be awesome.
Let them bring Wipeout next-gen!!!

thereapersson3900d ago

I miss Psygnosis / Studio Liverpool! I would certainly love a next-gen sequel to G.Police and Colony Wars.

ZodTheRipper3899d ago

I'm still enjoying regularly Wipeout HD and Wipeout 2048, Wipeout is one of my favourite Sony franchise ...please let this be true.

Pintheshadows3899d ago

G_Police remake needs to happen, although with an understandable, not entirely insane control scheme this time.

nunley333899d ago

this could be like when take 2 boston changed its name back to irrational games,i hope its true.

doctorstrange3900d ago

Most likely they're just keeping the trademark theirs for any PS1 titles they plan on porting to current platforms.


RedDragan3899d ago

It was a chronically underfunded studio, come to think of it all the British studios are underfunded in comparison to the American and Japanese studios yet they still came out with some of the most iconic series to exist in the Playstation brand.

Not only should Sony bring back Liverpool, they should throw the money at it and see what crazy stuff they come up with.

DOMination-3899d ago

Didn't they just merge the staff and buildings with Evolution? They were pretty close geographically and both focused on racers. It made sense to combine their talents and tech.

torchic3899d ago



a small few found jobs at Evolution Studios, the rest had to find their own way.

BitbyDeath3899d ago

The old trademark remains, but now it looks like they have just created a new one.


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Gardenia3899d ago

I was thinking a few weeks ago how cool it would be to see a new Destruction Derby for the PS4. Simple and with no bs, just like the old games, but this time also multiplayer

3899d ago
badboy7763900d ago (Edited 3900d ago )

What's that Honey. Were having Liverpool for dinner. Mmmhh my Favorite.

DA_SHREDDER3900d ago

Didn't they join the Evo team?

OrangePowerz3899d ago

Part if the Liverpool people did.

abzdine3900d ago

would be the best thing for PlayStation fans.
WipEout HD is 1080p 60FPS with no lag, i can't even imagine the performance of WipEout PS4!
Please Sony make it happen

HeyImBen113900d ago (Edited 3900d ago )

Ps4 doesn't support 4K gaming i think.

xKugo3899d ago

No 4k support for PS4.

JoGam3899d ago

PS4 only support Videos and Photos in 4k. Not gaming.

loulou3899d ago

4k gaming is obviously supported..

look at the disagrees. they weren't idiotic sony fanboys taking offense to the possible slight against their plastic and silicon god. they were infact devs disagreeing with you.... oh wait

HeyImBen113899d ago (Edited 3899d ago )

Lol wooow, why all the disagrees. You are so pathetic.

Hicken3899d ago

No point complaining about the disagrees, but no, the PS4 does not support 4K gaming. Not unless it's on some Pong-level games.

Kleptic3899d ago

Sony confirmed this before, right? NO 4k rendered games...which is obvious when you look at the retail gpu the PS4's is based off of...Its very clearly a 1080 gpu...

4k takes multiple gpu's for even relatively simple modern games...Sorry, a single Radeon 7800 series isn't going to be pulling that off any time soon...sucks, i know, as Wipeout HD, to this day, is still one of the most impressive console games i've ever witnessed...

but it'll do 4k video...and may even support the quad layer BD disc stuff in the future...if its true that is all software related, that is...a lot of conflicting info on that...

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Interview: Sawfly Head On Studio Liverpool Closure

NowGamer chats to ex-Studio Liverpool dev and current Sawfly Studios Managing Director Michael Humphrey about starting his new venture.

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How Sawfly rose from the ashes of Studio Liverpool

Edge- David Valjalo talks to Sawfly Studios’ design director about whether Wipeout will survive, the new Liverpool dev scene and why smaller is better.

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