
PlayStation Store Global Update – August 21, 2012

Each week Sony brings PlayStation 3 and PlayStation Portable owners new content, add-ons, games and more. PlayStation LifeStyle catalogs the PlayStation Store updates for the major regions across the globe. Check back every Tuesday and Wednesday to keep up to date with each week's PlayStation Store Update.

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insertcoin4357d ago

JoJo's Bizarre Adventure... oh, Capcom, how you woo me...

Soldierone4357d ago

Ugh, was really hoping to buy MGS3 for my Vita since I don't have enough money for the entire collection.....but 20 friggin dollars and it isn't cross buy at all? Its the same friggin game as the PS3 one, and yet its 5 dollars more, what gives?

Oh well, back to saving any extra money I get just to go buy the collection. Saves me the hassle of updating my memory card anyways.

ddurand14357d ago

they are different, obviously.

but 20$ is alot, i agree there.

Im waiting for a sale on this collection this fall.

TheBlackSmoke4357d ago

Damn, the new youtube app is GODLIKE!

decimalator4357d ago

Wow that's a lot of stuff. No standalone Peace Walker for PS3? Still bugs me that they didn't release a native Peace Walker for Vita. I love that game so much.

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Rocksmith+: New Platform Launch

Now learn 🎸 and 🎹 on PlayStation! Download for free and experience the next evolution in music learning.


Rocksmith+ Comes To PS And Steam In June

This looks like a great way to play.
Rocksmith+, the award winning music-learning app that teaches you guitar and piano with thousands of hit songs, is coming to PlayStation and Steam on June 6, and is available to wishlist now on both platforms.


Dragon's Dogma Is Still Amazing

Although the sequel is on the near horizon, the original Dragon's Dogma Dark Arisen remains a fantastic action RPG, still worth playing.

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jznrpg144d ago (Edited 144d ago )

A lot of the quest lines in Skyrim are good(not all and they don’t add up as a whole if you do thieves guild mage fighters guild etc) The dragons are very lame after the first few times and the combat is clunky as it always has been. The stupid sprint button is ridiculous.

Overall I agree DD is the better rpg game.

Both have theirs strengths and weaknesses but Skyrim should be so much more being the 5th game in Elder Scrolls series.

Excited to see what they add on to DD 2.

Unfortunately all they have done to Elder Scrolls since Morrowind is take things out (minus the sprint button which is so lame because you can kill dragon god like creatures but can’t run for more than ten seconds without getting tired)

anast143d ago (Edited 143d ago )

I liked the vampire questline and the return to Morrowind was okay, but the problem with Skyrim was the lack of consequence. There is almost no point in the quests. After I realized this, I started messing around with the mods and then quit playing. Though, I did spend 300 hrs. on modded content, but this is telling of how bad the game kind of is.

If DD was the size or close to the size of Skyrim, It would have been the primer fantasy game back then. I hope they up the size with DD2.