
Puzzle Craft Review | IGN

IGN: "Puzzle Craft is the most addictive puzzle mash-up to hit the App Store this year. Spending collected puzzle blocks to build a town is smart. But allowing that bustling town to power-up the puzzle minigame is brilliant. Be warned: Puzzle Craft might just take over your life. Don't miss it."


Another Case Solved: A New Detective/Puzzle Game Announcement on Fanboys Anonymous

The creators of the excellent Puzzle Craft are back with a new detective puzzler, set in a dystopian future where the consumption of candy is a crime!

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Top Ten Best iPhone & iPad Puzzle Games - January 2014

John Bedford (Modojo): Touchscreens seem purpose-built for slower-paced and more thoughtful games, so it's been no surprise to see the puzzle game genre flourish on the App Store over the years. There's plenty of games to choose from, so we've picked out our ten personal puzzle favorites that you can download now.


5 Best Android Games Like Candy Crush Saga

GameWoof lists the 5 best Android games like Candy Crush Saga. These similar games to Candy Crush are addictive, fun and hard to put down.

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