
Ouya will be used for Piracy and Illegal Downloads

Suck My Trend - The Ouya Console is a great development, and we have followed their Kickstarter Campaign closely. They reached over $8 million in pledges from public backers, and the console is set to be a success, but due to it running on Open Source software that is Android, does this open the doors for Piracy and Illegal Downloads within the console when blocks are in place on competition such as the Xbox 360 and Playstation 3?

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shutUpAndTakeMyMoney4331d ago

What if 720 does play pc games and come with ie 10?

cleft54330d ago

That would be so awesome and maybe even the 720 can emulate WiiU games. Man that would be sooo cool.

Ju4331d ago

LOL. Paranoia is bliss. Really?

You don't need to root an android device to side load an app. You can do that with the current dev tools. "root" just means root access, which you don't need to "hack" games if you want to do that.

With that said, why is this console any different than say a tablet? Why would you buy this thing when the Nexus 7 for $200 is actually 4x faster? Why would you even develop for this thing? Plug any tablet into a HDMI port and use a standard controller (e.g. DS3!) and play your Android games.

Who needs Ouya and why would it have an impact on piracy? Perception is everything, I guess.

gaffyh4331d ago

But it's $99, and it connects up to your TV and comes with a games controller. That's quite a lot to differentiate it from many android devices.

On topic - I absolutely agree that the Ouya will be used for piracy. However, if developers partner with Ouya, they can force micro-transactions on their apps which support the game controller. So you won't really be able to download the hacked app from a tablet version, and put it on the Ouya and play it with the controller.

Ju4331d ago (Edited 4331d ago )

Price is not everything. With the amount of money they have, it will not be available in mainstream stores. Also, how is it positioned on the market against a $99 Wii (and a soon?? to be $149 PS3??). The funds will not allow for a big marketing campaign to position this thing as an entry level console.

I don't see the attraction to "John Doe Gamer". For people who want to program and release their game in some sort of homebrew environment, that makes sense. But, why would I need that console for? Get a Nexus 7.

For EA and friends this thing will become attractive if the install base is around 10M. But with the initial batch they will maybe produce around 100K. This is just no market to have an impact in gaming. Sorry. I don't give this thing any survival chances. Nice (idealistic) idea, but that's a storm in the water glass here. That's all that is.

fei-hung4331d ago

This will be a one time craze like some of the products you have in the gadget shop.

There will be a craze for a short period where people will go thorugh the novetly purchase phase before it eventually dies off.

The people behind Ouya will make their money and declare bankruptcy shortly after apologising to their fanbase.

IMO, this is what I think the future may hold for Ouya. Of course I may be very wrong, but I cant just see the appeal in this product or its games. Some of the games are not designed for joypads, they are better played using the touchscreens they were originally intended for.

Wizziokid4331d ago

Piracy will never go away, personally I don't pirate games only TV shows which aren't available in the UK yet.

dazzrazz4331d ago

Yeah, I hate when all those sweet UK documentaries can't be watch on BCC iPlayer website :< because ur not from UK !

Puddlejumper754331d ago (Edited 4331d ago )

It's funny you say that because I live in the US and only pirate shows from the UK I cant get here. The one big one was Dr who but thats been fixed unless I want to watch them a week early and make my friends wonder how I know whats going to happen, however I am a huge Red Dwarf fan so I'll have to DL the new episodes next month in order to watch them without waiting on the DVD release

Wizziokid4331d ago

yeah I hate the region locks on TV shows etc

"this content is not available in your region" FU!

SnakeCQC4331d ago

yh lol i do the same breaking bad the borgias(whole of season 2 was shown in states before a single episode was available in the uk WTF) weeds true blood vamp diaries stargate(back in the day)

Sephris4331d ago

Digital media will never be fully protected, and the game and film industry needs to understand this. I understand and agree that piracy ends up losing them money, but if you look at the pattern of how they are trying to combat it, it is only going to kill them in the end. they get pirated and find out how, so they spend huge amounts of money making it so it can't be hacked that way only to get hacked a different way. so they put huge amounts of money into fixing that and the hackers find yet another way. And who gets the bill for all of this? The ones that aren't hacking anything and are purchasing the product. We pay for piracy. And eventually the price of trying to stop the hackers is going to be more than what the public is willing to reimburse. Sometimes it is better to just accept the evils of the world and let them be. It's better than killing yourself to try and find a cure.

dirthurts4331d ago

I feel like the general population is honest, and would pay for their games, if there are games that are worth paying for.
Most users aren't "hackers" and won't put forth any real effort into stealing games. That's just my experience personally.
I realize that the Ouya is open source, and it's designed to be "hackable", so developers should surely keep this in mind when developing. Free to play games are probably the future for this console, but I can see paid games working as well.
There is no cure for piracy, so piracy shouldn't be a concern. If you're worried about piracy, don't be a programmer.

SynGamer4331d ago

To summarize this article for others: Android can be rooted. Users will likely root the Ouya. Game Developers beware.

"The Ouya console developers need to be aware of this"...considering $8+ million was pledged, and the names behind this, I'm pretty sure the developers know what they are getting into without the need for a sad attempt at an opinion piece by this site. Seriously people, at least put "some" effort into your articles and bring in some numbers and quotes.

Ju4331d ago

True. I'd like to add before anyone can pirate anything they will actually need games. And I mean mainstream games - which, if it'll run on the Ouya will most likely run on any Android device. Ouya will not make a dent in the Android gaming market. And who pirates homebrew? Palease....

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10 Weirdest Game Consoles of All Time

From systems that could keep your beer cool, to oddities trying to get in on the popularity of VHS and laserdisc, you’ve got some very, very weird video game consoles out there.

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darthv7276d ago

I had the LaserActive... it was a nice collectors piece but not very practical. Especially when it came to needing recapping. I think i paid all of about $50 for the floor model from an incredible Universe back in the day. I ended up selling it many years later for $300 at the time due to it needing a new laser and the aforementioned recapping.

An honorable mention not on the list would be the VM Labs Nuon. It basically looked like any regular DVD player but it had ports on it for controllers to play specific games. one of which is still exclusive to it with Tempest 3000. It also offered nuon enhanced DVD movies with extra content not accessible by regular players.

_Decadent_Descent76d ago

Wasn't there some KFC console, or am I mistaken?

CoNn3rB76d ago

It was announced but it never actually came out as far as I know


History Lesson: The consoles that ‘failed’

Virtual Boy, Sega Nomad, Ouya and the other troubled game systems that nobody bought.

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Wasabi1635d ago

How has this article missed out Sega's Dreamcast and Nintendo's Wii U, two consoles that were actually superb devices in their own right, but were seen as failed due to lacklustre sales at the time of release?

Knightofelemia1635d ago

Wonder how long before Stadia appears on the list surprised the Ngage is not on that list

william_cade1635d ago (Edited 1635d ago )

I enjoy these kinds of articles.

rlow11635d ago

Talk about a blast to the past.......I remember trying the virtual boy at Toy R Us and it was cool but I did feel slightly disoriented afterwards......good article.


OUYA marketplace revived from the dead by internet archivists

The Ouya, a failed Android gaming console from early in this generation, is getting a second lease on life thanks to Internet archivists and some new software.

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Double_O_Revan1667d ago

That's pretty cool they were able to bring it back. It sucks when something online only gets killed.

I got mine when it first launched, however it wasn't good for anything other than retro emulation. I couldn't sell the thing fast enough. Managed to get almost all my money back selling it on eBay.

Xaywhat1667d ago

Just let go homies. It was DOA

JEECE1667d ago

I guess the Stadia launch is bringing back memories of other failed consoles/services.