
Wangan Midnight Screens

Wangan Midnight is a racing battle game based on the anime of the same name. In the game you can race in the Shutoku and Wangan area in Japan.

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happygamer6512d ago

to many racing games comming out i dont believe this will be any fun at all. not bashing ps3 at all. i dont want anymore racing games for any console.

kmis876512d ago

This doesn't really seem like the type of game that sees release anywhere outside of Japan. But I guess if there are fans of the series (I've never heard of it) then they could always import it. Yay region free gaming.

Chronical6512d ago

This game is so much fun in the Arcades. thats all i play when i go.


Soul Calibur, Tekken, White Knight, Ys and more go budget next month

Sony's PlayStation 3 the Best and PSP the Best budget lineup is pretty diverse in July, covering everything from RPGs to fighting games to... well what the hell kind of game is My Summer Vacation, anyway?

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BiggCMan4803d ago

Really looking forward to White Knight 2 being release in the U.S. You get the first game free with it so I won't need to buy it separately since I haven't played it yet. I've heard good things about it from gamers around the net, and the online is supposed to be really great.

shadowknight2034803d ago

the online is pretty fantastic.

WildArmed4803d ago

Aye. Can't wait for Aug.

*shakes fist @ EU peeps*
I hope you enjoy your headstart..

sunnygrg4803d ago

@Skv007, why not import it? I noticed that you achieved WKC's platinum before me. :P

WildArmed4803d ago (Edited 4803d ago )

Mainly because I wouldn't be able to import my US character.
Or go online on my US account.

So importing is out of the question.
I initially did have plans of importing, but alas. Too much to lose.

On the bright side, I can spend more time in WKC lol ^^

And it's always nice to meet a fellow WKC platinum crown-ed player :)


I see. As much as I do want to import it, I think I will hold off.
Honestly can't afford to buy to copies. Plus, WKC2 won't hurt my summer grades this way xD
As soon as my summer session ends, I can go grab WKC2 (think it releases like during my finals week)

Thou my fall semester is going to take a bit hit lool

sunnygrg4803d ago

A lot of us are actually importing it. I will still be playing the US version when it comes out. I just want a taste of what has actually improved.

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Promotional video of Wangan Midnight

Genki is a studio well known for its Tokyo Xtreme Racer series, so it's a good news that they are in charge of the game version of the quite famous manga/animated series Wangan Midnight that depicts the same type of races. If you never heard about it, think Initial D (it even looks similar even if it's not the same mangaka) on Tokyo's highways.

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brianodom6244d ago

they're going to go nuts in japan over this game

egyptian_diarrhea6244d ago

it does reek of initial d...i love it =)

GamerMan6244d ago

I think this game would be great. An Initial D style game would be great. I hope it gets localized for the states, cause I would really enjoy this style of video game.

Kaneda6244d ago

why is it so freaking ugly?


PS3 Wangan Midnight Release Date and New Screens

A release date for Wangan Midnight has arisen in the form of July 26th. That is, for Japan...and the game may be in need of an import, since the anime art direction of these screenshots are very pleasing.

GamerMan6294d ago

It looks more like a spin off of Initial D... if you ever watched the series it is all about Drifting style racing and most of it is downhill.

This game is more street racing but with the same stylish animation as Initial D. It does look interesting and if this game makes it across seas I would definitely like to play it.

gsquad6294d ago (Edited 6294d ago )

The Ps3 is region code-less. That means you can just import it from Japan. YAYYYYY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! WOOT!!!!!!!!!

GamerMan6294d ago

Oh but it still needs to make it across the sea to get to me :P

I would prefer it to be localized although my understanding of the japanese language is getting better with all the anime I watch... I'm not an elitist and prefer plain old English so i don't have to think of what they are saying and I can enjoy it easier.

Although if it had any form of English I would play it.. of course if I know it's never coming .. I will have it come over seas regardless.

brianodom6294d ago

thats what it is.... a sequal to initial D !!!

Mkdcoupe46251d ago

This game looks really good, im going to have to get it