Sony's PS3 is in the Pricing Danger Zone

After doing some analysis of historical console sales and pricing, states it has become clear that the price of the Playstation 3 may have crossed over a very dangerous line. Basically, in the past, any console over $400 tanked. By far, the most success has come to consoles in the $190 to $300 range. Obviously there is inflation, but the cost of electronics has continuously declined over time, so console prices have remained fairly consistent. The question is will the price of the PS3 hinder its sales?

USMChardcharger6624d ago

no surprise, but NES was smoking everyone back in the day.

*you have to click on the story to see the charts that i am talking about*

THE TRUTH6624d ago

any console over 300$ (according to this article) will be doomed. So will that mean that both sony and MS will fall to nintendo. News like this means nothing to me. Its who delievers the games people want most. People will pay the price as long as they know they will be getting what they want.

REDMOND BOYZZ6624d ago (Edited 6624d ago )

No it means Sony's doomed. I started with the core and upgraded. (((People will pay the price as long as they know they will be getting what they want.))) not true!, the bulk of Sony's base are kids and it's only commen sense that most parents have the take it!! or leave it mind set, And will go with what's cheaper. Kids will be harping on their moms and dad so much they will have to ask the difference in all the console's, games ect, this is the momment
Sony will be in a world of trouble. Their's alot of people that will buy the $300 360 core and just play games and will not need or buy a HD or use online ect. $200 cheaper than PS3 core, nice try.

THE TRUTH6624d ago (Edited 6624d ago )

So your telling me that from the article you got sony is doomed? Even when MS is above the price point too? Where's the logic in that?

How does "I started with the core and upgraded." support your claim. Sounds like you just hate sony and will say anything to let that be heard. It's fine if you do but at least give us a reason why.

If you did buy the core 360 and fully upgraded that would cost you more than the 400$ premium and put you and Ms in the doom...

Btw this article means nothing in regards to who will win this generations console war. It's biased against Sony or it would read that both Ps3 and 360 are doomed. Nice try with another useless news update from sony haters.

The BS Police6624d ago

Both Sony and Microsoft are gonna own the North American and European Markets but Nintendo will just own the Japanese market... thats my prediction.

Jay da 2KBalla6624d ago (Edited 6624d ago )

They said consoles over 400 not 300 so just sony is doomed. "Basically, in the past, any console over $400 tanked." Also just because the article is stating facts about price doesnt make it biased against sony. And once again more negative news about the ps3. hmmmmmmmm

THE TRUTH6624d ago

They said consoles over 400 not 300 so just sony is doomed. "Basically, in the past, any console over $400 tanked." Also just because the article is stating facts about price doesnt make it biased against sony. And once again more negative news about the ps3. hmmmmmmmm

First your statment taken from the article starts off with "basiclly" meaning its not a fact. Furthermore them saying any console over 400$ then in the charts it shows over 300$ (check it out) meaning any console over 300$ has tanked. Thats why I said what I said, because they seem to say one thing but the info they show to support it contradicts..........

Jay da 2KBalla6624d ago

Well you should have said they contradicted each other instead of saying the 300 mark. And basically doesnt automatically mean it isnt a fact so I dont kno what you are talking about

THE TRUTH6624d ago

ja- you never know what I am talking about lol, just read it again or call someone next to you so they can explain it.

Jay da 2KBalla6624d ago (Edited 6624d ago )

You just stop saying one thing and then another and then maybe just maybe you will actually have made some sense with one of your posts. Just a thought ^_^

+ Show (5) more repliesLast reply 6624d ago

I was talking to some Sony fan and he said PS3 was not expensive because of inflation ect. If you're going to have expensive hardware in a gaming console; it better be mostly for gaming. A $300 dollar price jump in 5 1/2 years is crazzy. flamer's STFU

THE TRUTH6624d ago

So you bought a core 360 then fully upgraded it, so it cost you more than 400$. Now you say "A $300 dollar price jump in 5 1/2 years is crazzy. flamer's STFU" Need I say anymore?


Need you say anymore? no please don't. I thought i would hate XBL, so i got the core system, played it and soon i loved it, so i upgraded i have a choice that matches my needs, how can you not understand that.???????????

THE TRUTH6624d ago

"A $300 dollar price jump in 5 1/2 years is crazzy. flamer's STFU"

The agrument you make about the price yet you spent more and pushed it into the "doom" area. So in relality you make no arguement, at least not one that your actions haven't proved differently.....
"i have a choice that matches my needs, how can you not understand that.???????????"
I understand that fully, so why do you hate on sony for trying to give the gamers their needs?

"the bulk of Sony's base are kids and it's only commen sense that most parents have the take it!!" You have zero facts to support this and honestly every PS2 owner I know is not a child, in my opinion I beleive parents seem to choose gamcube for there children (for example I bought my nephew a gamecube he's 7)

"Sony will be in a world of trouble. Their's alot of people that will buy the $300 360 core and just play games and will not need or buy a HD or use online ect. $200 cheaper than PS3 core, nice try." Again, no facts just stupid fandoy talk, this will be my last response to you becuase thus far you make no contributions or statements that bring any valule to yourself or this (ps3) site. It's pointless agruing with someone like yourself enjoy your 360 It's a great system I just hope they get more support in the games.

Jay da 2KBalla6624d ago

"the bulk of Sony's base are kids and it's only commen sense that most parents have the take it!!" You have zero facts to support this and honestly every PS2 owner I know is not a child, in my opinion I beleive parents seem to choose gamcube for there children (for example I bought my nephew a gamecube he's 7)

That is the ps2 owners that YOU know. so your counter argument doesnt hold water. Sry

"I understand that fully, so why do you hate on sony for trying to give the gamers their needs?" How is he doing that? hmm

THE TRUTH6624d ago

That is the ps2 owners that YOU know. so your counter argument doesnt hold water. Sry

which is why I made it my opinion not a fact read it again but focus on where I said my opinion....You have zero facts to support this and honestly every PS2 owner I know is not a child, in my opinion I beleive parents seem to choose gamcube for there children (for example I bought my nephew a gamecube he's 7)

"I understand that fully, so why do you hate on sony for trying to give the gamers their needs?" How is he doing that? hmm
Obviously you havent read any of his post, do some research them come back here and chat with me ok. Your site username says it all, but just so you know I'm not pro sony, pro MS or pro nintendo I'm in for the games period!

Dont try and post "I don't understand you" or "your making no sense" you just dont like my views so be a man and say that!

Jay da 2KBalla6624d ago (Edited 6624d ago )

You just dont make no sense whatsoever. How about you pay attention closely.
"You have zero facts to support this and honestly every PS2 owner I know is not a child, in my opinion I beleive parents seem to choose gamcube for there children (for example I bought my nephew a gamecube he's 7)"
First of all this is contradicting and irrelevant. You said that every ps2 owner you know isnt a child and in your opinion parents buy gamecubes for kids yet you start that paragraph by saying "you have zero facts to support this" yet everything you just said WASNT a fact. For somebody who hates ppl to present info without any facts you sure like to do it.

Well I'm not about to research what ppl have said but in that post he didnt hate on sony for that and THAT POST is what we are talking about. you need to learn how to stay on subject

THE TRUTH6624d ago

First of all this is contradicting and irrelevant. You said that every ps2 owner you know isnt a child and in your opinion parents buy gamecubes for kids yet you start that paragraph by saying "you have zero facts to support this" yet everything you just said WASNT a fact. For somebody who hates ppl to present info without any facts you sure like to do it.

I never stated any facts at all, I just said my personal experiences and opinions .

shotty6624d ago

Agree, there are so much people in this world that just want to play games. No High Def, no Online play, No demos, just games and for them is what the xbox 360 core is made for. I know because my cousin is one of them, I thought it was a mistake for him to get the core but after a month I notice he never used any of the functions that the premium offers. All he needed was a system to play next gen games, he doesn't even know what HD is. He had an xbox 1 and play Halo alot and now he got the xbox 360 to play xbox 360 games. I guess these are the people that account for the 40% of xbox 360 gamers that are not on live. There is no shame in this, gaming is a vague term. People want to play games different ways and that's why the xbox 360 is great it delivers on that. If my cousin decides he wants demos he can buy a harddrive, if he gets an HDTV he can buy HD cables its all optional and can be fully upgraded to match the premium only exception is the core doesn't have the chrome trim.

Jay da 2KBalla6624d ago

He stated his opinion about the bulk of ps2 users yet he had no facts and in your counter argument you also didnt state any facts yet you try to belittle what he says by saying that he has no facts to support what he says well guess what neither did you. Thats what I meant by you contradicting.

And shotty I agree.

+ Show (4) more repliesLast reply 6624d ago
Schmitty076624d ago

Everyone is saying this is the end for Sony, but I'm sure Sony will do fine this generation. I want Sony, Microsoft, and Nintendo to stay because more competition means more quality for us gamers.

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Mortal Kombat 9 Is Still NetherRealm's Best Game 13 Years Later

Salman from Tech4Gamers writes "Mortal Kombat 9 revived the series from a low point after bringing it back to 2D combat. It marked a new high-point for the franchise due to its incredible roster, exciting cinematic story mode, and high-octane combat."

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Sonyslave323h ago

I like which ever one, Raiden was speed blasting muthafkers.

monkey6026h ago

I agree. 9 was awesome

Shaolin Monks next please

vTuro246h ago

Shaolin Monks is a forgotten gem. I would love to see a new one, or a remake of the old.

vTuro245h ago

That game was actually goated. It was the first time ever that I actually tried to get good at a fighting game. Unfortunately the online connection was so dogshit it made it hard to enjoy and eventually I gave up. Haven't really played much fighting games since.


Playback: Outland

Taking a trip back to Housemarque's forgotten platformer.

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The Industry Needs To Modernize These 6 Fantastic Classics

The Simpsons: Hit and Run, The Legend of Dragoon, and Chrono Trigger would benefit substantially from a modern remake.

Knightofelemia1d 6h ago (Edited 1d 6h ago )

The Xenosaga trilogy, the Wild Arms games, Xenogears, Parasite Eve, Dino Crisis, Suikoden. The Warriors game I know nothing about but it looks interesting. Anybody can do a list of games they want to see get modernized I would lose my shit if Namco brought the Xenosaga trilogy to modern consoles.