
Silent Hill HD Collection’s No-Patch Sets A Disturbing Precedent

Silent Hill HD Collection will not be patched on Xbox 360, even though it’s demonstrably flawed in many places. This is worrying, even to PlayStation gamers.

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Dark_Overlord4426d ago

"Sets A Disturbing Precedent"

This has been going on for a while, off the top of my head I can list

Splinter Cell HD collection
Brutal Legend
Far Cry 2
Deathspank FoV

Although there are plenty more

All still have extremely bad glitches yet will never be fixed. Silent Hill just seems to have gathered the most attention of them all.

If I pay money for any product I expect it to damn well work :/

Krimmson4426d ago

What's annoying about Brutal Legend is that Double Fine has stated that they already made a patch for the PS3 version of the game and it's ready to be sent out online, but EA refuses to allow the patch go live.

Dark_Overlord4426d ago

I don't blame DF at all for that, its EA being the assholes and refusing to pay the money to fix the game. Funnily enough EA publish Deathspank ToV too, and pulled the same sh*t with Hothead

STONEY44426d ago (Edited 4426d ago )

No amount of patching can fix the Silent Hill HD Collection though. It's not just the performance.

From the removal and change of sound effects, to making the fog in SH2 look awful, removal of self shadowing and DOF in SH3, retexturing things to remove the intentional rust and grittiness, removal of certain effects and filters, and the terrible new voices in SH3. It really kills the atmosphere and polish of the original games. It's also unacceptable that, apart from resolution, the PS2 version actually performs better and has better graphics.

It's a much better idea to just buy the original games, even if they aren't in HD. If HD is a big deal to you, Silent Hill 3 has a great PC port, and Silent Hill 2, while a poor port, most of the problems can be fixed.

floetry1014426d ago

Silent Hill: Downpour is still awaiting a patching too and it's a necessity. I'd consider Downpour one of the best Silent Hill games in a while if not for the technically poor performance. The way Konami has handled both releases is nothing short of an amateur effort.

Skate-AK4426d ago

I only noticed framerate problems about 3/4 of the way through the game.

Ben_Giff4426d ago

Yes! Downpour was way better than I expected it would be, and most of its flaws are technical ones that could be fixed with a patch.

Tuxedo_Mask4426d ago

I remember a time when games couldn't be patched at all, and developers either released a game when it was ready or released it broken.

hazelamy4426d ago

and funnily enough, you rarely found games as buggy as what we see now.

these days the attitude is "we fix it in a patch".
back then they did more to make sure the game was ready.

MastaPiff4426d ago

What bugs me are the ppl who write the reviews for some of these literally "bugged-out" games... those who neglect to mention these problems because their worried they will lose advertising $$$ from that same company.
When a game is shipped broken, they gotta call it out for us gamers...

MysticStrummer4426d ago

The precedent was set long before now.

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The Complete Ranking of Silent Hill Games from Worst to Best

The sirens are sounding again, beckoning you back to the foggy ghost town as we rank all the Silent Hill games, from the chilling classics to the misguided missteps.

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Vits333d ago

I mostly disagree with Downpour's position. Yeah, the game is not amazing by any stretch of the imagination but is much better than the HD Collection and Homecoming. The main issue is the performance, but that was mitigated by the patches, especially on the PS3. Personally, I put it a little behind Origins and The Room.

Having Restless Dreams as a different entry from Silent Hill 2 is also a choice.

bfrye26333d ago

Normally, we would not consider it a different game (Restless Dreams), but since it had a very different critical reception and had new content, it was allowed. As for Downpour, I would agree, but since that one is subjective, we let him make his case for the placement.

gold_drake333d ago

silent hill 2 is definitely the best one out of those.

for me personally, the whole ritual/cult stuff was always so weird to me in all the other games.

CrimsonWing69332d ago

No disrespect but I put SH2 over 1. 1 is fantastic, but 2 took it all up a level.

bfrye26332d ago

We agree, that is why the writer put it in top place!


Why Silent Hill 2 is one of the best survival-horror games of all time

GF365: "Silent Hill 2 is the sequel to 1999's Silent Hill, and it was released in 2001 by Konami. Here's why Silent Hill 2 is one of the best survival-horror games of all time."

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FTLmaster495d ago (Edited 495d ago )

100% agree! SH2 is undoubtedly a stone cold classic.

gold_drake495d ago

i played a couple of months ago for the first time.

i agree that its a great survival game, but i think the minute u realise you can "kill" them, its takes alot of the initial fear out of it.
the same thing happened to me in Siren Blood Curse.

but its definitely one of the best games, when you start looking into the lore and the symbolism

1nsomniac495d ago

Never played it. I had moved on from PlayStation since then. So looking forward to the remake. Hope it’s not too cheesy tho.

P_Bomb495d ago

Pyramid Head or Red Pyramid. Which do you guys call him?

Pickledpepper495d ago

I've just brought the silent hill collection for the ps2 and absolutely loving it

Knushwood Butt494d ago


I have the games, just no PS2.

Pickledpepper494d ago

I have a ps2 for sale and a n64 lol

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5 Worst Video Game Remasters That Ruined The Original

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Chard881d ago

how is it after the patches? Aren't there also more to come?

Amplitude881d ago (Edited 881d ago )

Did people not like the Mafia 2 remake? I got so into it. Thought it was amazing. Never played the original.

Some of these are fitting but I can't help but feel like the author just has nostalgia for the original Mafia 2 here. Dmc Collection on PS4 is fiiiiine its just a collection of PS2 games and the PS3 performance was not amazing. The point is to just have the PS2 games for a new gen of people. Crysis Remastered is also totally fine and has been patched and updated to death since launch. The original version essentially ran on one CPU core and they couldn't fix it let alone get that running on console/switch so they had good reason to do what they did to boost interest in Crysis before the Crysis 4 announcement

Lots of way worse remasters out there lol GTA, THPS HD, that Mario 3D All Stars trash, etc

jeenyus881d ago

That's the issue, you haven't played the original.
The new one is slightly better looking but it's bugged af by comparison.

881d ago
monkey602881d ago

So in essence ... 2020 the year of bad remasters

Army_of_Darkness881d ago

Sounds like a case of quick cash grabs during the pandemic.

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