
What’s Coming To The PlayStation Store: August 14th, 2012 – 2 More PS1 Classics De-Activating

The latest episode of the PlayStation Blogcast has revealed what's coming to the PlayStation Store on August 14th, including the PS2 classic Shinobi.

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BringingTheThunder4369d ago

meh just 2 imports. maybe picking up shinobi.

Blackpool4369d ago (Edited 4369d ago )

PS2 classics shouldn't be 10$ tbh.. Some of these games cost lower than 6$ on ebay. Getting rid of backwards compatibility was a smart move for sony. Now they can just charge these classics for 10$

MaxXAttaxX4368d ago

Some PS classics cost lower, but some are also priced a lot higher than $10 online. So I think it's a good deal overall.

Blastoise4368d ago

I don't mind the price. But over here in europe the list of games to choose from sucks. Apparently train simulators are PS2 classics.
Where is Final fantasy XII, Rogue Galaxy, Dark cloud, Dark chronicle, Shadow hearts? ect

TooTall194368d ago

I bought Dark Cloud 2 and Rogue Galaxy recently, and they were $30 and $20, respectively.

morganfell4368d ago

For those that have not played Shinobi and enjoy brutal gaming it is a title not to be missed. It can make Ninja Gaiden seem like a cakewalk.

BringingTheThunder4368d ago

they should have prices depending on popularity

+ Show (2) more repliesLast reply 4368d ago
SegataShanshiro4368d ago

i dont know why people buy these ps2 classic games off the psn store...when there's no more psn store in 10 years from now....what are you gonna do???? exactly!! nothing you can do, those games will be gone!!! GET THE ACTUAL GAME CAUSE THAT ONE WILL STAY WITH YOU FOR AS LONG AS YOU WANT just take care of it

Dac2u4368d ago

I don't own a PS2(nor do I want to dedicate a spot in my entertainment system to it) and I've always wanted to try out Shinobi and some other PS2 games. Now, you know why some people buy PS2 games off the PSN store.

EvilJeffBridges4369d ago

I wonder if they have a spike in sales when they announce a specific title is being removed.

BringingTheThunder4369d ago

they'll go from selling 5 copies a week to 20 maybe

TrendyGamers4369d ago

For those games, I doubt there will be too much of a spike.

EvilJeffBridges4369d ago

I don't know. Magical Drop F might be awesome. It has the word Magical in the title, so it has to be at least a 9 out of 10.

TrendyGamers4369d ago

Haha I checked on Gamerankings and it has one review from Gamespot, they gave it a 7.5.

Relientk774369d ago

Shinobi is an awesome PS2 game

glad to see that coming to the PSN

TrendyGamers4369d ago

If only it were an HD release.

KrimsonKody4368d ago

I said the same thing;
Shinobi is WAY overdue for an remake, remix, sequel...or something.

Shinobi is a great franchise with tons of potential.
Sega better get on their game, no pun.

Amplitude4361d ago (Edited 4361d ago )


Why my good sir, there is! Nightshade is a direct sequel to Shinobi. Pretty good game too >.>


Also there's a 3DS sequel too that was recently released.


kingPoS4369d ago

It's when they de list game from the psn store.
Example: Teenage mutant ninja turtles Re shelled is no longer in the store but it's in your download list.

nevin14369d ago (Edited 4369d ago )

So if someone wanted TMNT Reshelled, their out of luck?

banjadude4369d ago

WHAT!? I didn't know they delisted TMNT... well, that sucks for me :/

mrkeith4369d ago

ah thank you kingPoS. I thought that but i didnt think they would actually do it.

KwietStorm_BLM4368d ago

Not necessarily. They removed Calling All Cars from the store, and its not in my download list either.

Amplitude4368d ago (Edited 4368d ago )


Huh? Are you positive? I never heard of Calling All Cars being removed from PSN. In fact i recently just downloaded it when i had to redownload all my games...

Such a good game offline and online. Too bad they took down the online.

But anyway, im pretty sure it's still there. Im too lazy to go check, but if you google it there's no news of it being taken down.

Plus, taking down a payed-for psn game and not allowing people who bought it to redownload it would obviously receive so much backlash from the community... it'd be everywhere on N4G. D:

Maybe they took down the free version that came with Qore?

+ Show (2) more repliesLast reply 4368d ago
kingPoS4369d ago

The only games I have that aren't in my list are Flow & Stacking. And that's because they were free promotions, this was before psn+ happened.

himdeel4368d ago

Flow, and Ragdoll Kungfu are three games that aren't on my list but that I got from promotions.

sypher4368d ago

Mind boggling. What is the point of removing products from your digital store? The only space they take up is digital, its not like they are actually taking up physical space in a store.

And obviously they are still on the PSN servers, if they are able to be re-downloaded if purchased.

Anyone have a good reason for it?

The Great Melon4368d ago

It might be due to license issues. The company that is publishing it currently may no longer have the rights to release it, so it can't be sold anymore. However Sony still keeps it in the servers for those that have the license to play the game to be able to download it.

Just a guess.

sypher4368d ago

If that's true (which would suck), pretty much every game not published by Sony will eventually be removed from the store? Seems an insane way of doing business :p

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Unheard of: The Best PS2 Ninja Games

It came from the shadows, and to the shadows it shall return. Here are the best ninja games on the PlayStation 2.

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Rikimaru-00249d ago

games likes these are a dead, what a shame.

Kakashi Hatake249d ago

Everyone is focused on open world unfortunately 😒 2000s had some of the best games in general. Just enough depth that you don't have to sign your life away to complete a game.

isarai249d ago

Seriously, I miss classic character action hack n slash games. Now everything is either huge open world gruel or a souls-like, often both.

Dandalandan117249d ago

Ikr? I would love a new Tenchu game.
It doesn't need to be a big budget with epic scope or other BS. Just a fun game like before with updated graphics and some quality of life improvements.

isarai249d ago

I'm hoping the success of armored core they'll be more inclined to revisit Tenchu as it really showed that a smaller scope game with a tight refined experience can be a success as well as the huge complex open RPG affairs. Still bums me out that Sekiro started as a new Tenchu, but they changed their mind halfway through development.

Relientk77249d ago

Man what I'd give for a new Tenchu game

Furesis249d ago

you almost did get one but instead u got Sekiro (Great game)
maybe next time

jznrpg249d ago

Sekiro is nice consolation for sure. But still would like Tenchu

Z501249d ago (Edited 249d ago )

*ARAGAMI 1 and 2 for a current fix

**Wrath of Heaven is probably the greatest ninja/stealth game ever.

Shinobi was okay. Your sword drained your health. So you had to constantly keep moving. You couldn't take your time to even explore or even breath. Nightshade rectified this.


CS:GO fans now frantically dusting off their Xbox 360s as servers are still online

One of the only ways to play CS:GO on official servers is via the Xbox 360 version of the game.

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mandf301d ago

4 or 5 players in a game is not players frantically dusting it off

Jin_Sakai301d ago

We all know that videogamer.com went to each and every Xbox 360 owners house to watch them frantically dust off their 360s.

Vits301d ago

I mean it is a 1000% growth in the player-base. /s

mandf301d ago

Enough to write an article though. N4g new owners are insulting us for click revenue

Vits301d ago


Nothing to do with new owners. N4G has always been the trashcan for game news and discussion.

northpaws301d ago

I love video games so much that I never have the time to replay the old one that I have finished, my backlog has only gotten bigger and bigger. I don't get how some people can play one game for years (except for mmorpg)

mandf301d ago

It's an exaggeration to the extreme. A way making an exclusive seen grander than it is.

Profchaos301d ago

Some people do I know someone who only ever plays dune 2000 which is rarely but still

RedDevils300d ago

Those Fifa or COD players do that every years.

Inverno301d ago

Wonder why they've never ported this game over to last Gen and now current Gen. This game would be pretty popular right now, I think.


Players Spent Over $100 Million On CS:GO Cases Last Month, A New Record

About 39.5 million loot boxes were opened throughout March 2023, right after Valve announced Counter-Strike 2. It goes without saying that gamers love gambling, especially those who play Counter-Strike: Global Offensive.

479d ago Replies(1)
478d ago Replies(2)
OhReginald477d ago

I have about 260 hours on csgo and have not spent a single penny on any of the microtransactions. You can still enjoy it since it's not pay to win.

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