
Women and Video Games: Robin Hunicke

Robin Hunicke has worked for Electronic Arts and thatgamecompany to design and produce a number of video games, including MySims, Boom Blox, and Journey, and she's currently working on a new project for Tiny Speck. She's also working to finish a PhD in Artificial Intelligence, and, along with two colleagues, in 2008 created the Mechanics-Dynamics-Aesthetics framework to better analyze game design.

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"If Anybody Is Going to Pick a Fight with Steam or Create an Alternative, the Time Is Now"

At Reboot Develop, Rami Ismail and Robin Hunicke argued that existing digital platforms are not doing enough to represent the diversity and artistry of developers.

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maybelovehate2342d ago

I mean Microsoft Store is a clear alternative, publish to both if you are worried. Not like it will hurt your product to have it in multiple stores..

crazyCoconuts2342d ago

For every one person that wants to see an artistic game that's designed to make a statement, there's probably 100 that don't want to even see it under new releases. Seems like Steam has democratized the green lighting process, so if people are interested you'll get published. There are even custom curators that you can set up if you're into a particular niche. But Steam shouldn't have to put a game front and center just because the developer thinks their game deserves it - people have to want to play it.

Cobra9512340d ago

I agree with the general sentiment; but visibility on Steam has suffered to such an extent, because of the deluge of indefensible crap, that something needs to be done--for all decent developers, not just those with a social agenda.


'Luna' Dev Interview ft. Robin Hunicke: The Game, VR, Funomena and Devs VR Responsibilities

MonsterVine: "This weekend the Tribeca Film Festival delved into video games with their first ever Tribeca Games Festival in New York City, and during the event we had the opportunity to sit down and speak with Robin Hunicke, CEO and producer & designer at Funomena, about her next game, Luna."

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2701d ago

Robin Hunicke Wants to Change Video Games, But She Can’t Do It Alone

The Funomena co-founder and Journey producer explains how traditional labelling is out-dated, and why the gaming industry needs to highlight genuine innovation.

annoyedgamer2977d ago

I read nothing from Vice. They are a propaganda network outside of video games so I have no reason they would be impartial here.

SpiralTear2977d ago

I've never seen an article use such nebulous language before, and based on that, this article really has told the public nothing.

2977d ago Replies(1)
_LarZen_2977d ago (Edited 2977d ago )

Was about to click on the article link. Then I saw it was Vice. I'd rather have diarrhea. Same can be said about Polygon.

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