
Destructoid- QuakeCon: This is the Rise of the Triad that you remember

I drove up to QuakeCon expecting a great Doom 4 reveal. Not Rise of the Triad. On the way, a couple thoughts occupied my mind but mainly, "Everything that defines the original Doom games at this point are so based in archaic game design that no sane developer would bring those ideas to the market now."

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Battlefield 1 and 5 Bizarre Times Games Let Us Be Animals

OX writes: "Battlefield 1 is out this week, and it takes the military shooter series to World War 1. This conflict was one of the most bloody and horrifying in modern history, but that doesn't preclude it from including an unexpectedly moving section where you play as a pigeon. It's not the first time a game has let us briefly, bizarrely be an animal, as Show of the Week discovers."

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Retro FPS Dusk brings back memories of Quake, Hexen and other 90s classics - Dusk for PC News

News - Soundtrack from Andrew Hulshut of Brutal Doom and Rise of the Triad.

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Show of the Week: Merry Fallout Christmas

Outside Xbox:

" Merry Fallout Christmas! In the spirit of the season, we bring cheer to the residents of Fallout 4's Sanctuary by decking the halls of the tumbledown shanty town. Some would say a light-up Christmas tree that requires three large generators to power is excessive in a town that doesn't have a clean water supply, but those people are grinches whom you must ignore. "

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Perjoss3093d ago

These guys are becoming one of my favourite youtube channels.