
Pushing Buttons: On the Business Acumen of Jim Sterling

Following her critique of Colin Moriarty last week, Camine segues into a response to Jim Sterling's dismissal of Jade Raymond and questions the market research of gaming jurnalizts:

When I start writing about a subject, I usually find more facets to it than I have time to write about. I'll prune details out when I can't support them properly, when I can't fit them into an article without breaking up the "flow," or when I start feeling my deadline chafe against my neck. Hitting the delete key on good findings always feels like I've wasted an opportunity. The feeling dies pretty quickly when the subject in question is news, though. Anything I couldn't say immediately will get its day in the sun soon enough, as the same problems keep coming up over and over again. I like it! It makes me feel like the column has continuity.

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Skateboard4433d ago

Jim Sterling is a fat douche.

IanTH4433d ago

He is a douche, could not agree more. He could be a fine writer, but Jesus, he has paper thin skin. You cannot read one of his articles without seeing him crying in the comment section when someone disagrees with him. Or writing articles about how people hate him. If I notice an article is written by Sterling, I don't even bother reading it. How he is a writer for several different sites is beyond me.

InTheLab4433d ago

The problem I have with Sterling is the fact that he continues to claim he's not a journalist despite writing for several gaming sites. That way, when he gets called out on his bullshit, which accounts for 93% of everything he says, it's ok. He's just a blogger and his motivation is to just be heard. It doesn't matter if what he says is bases opinion. He's paid to talk out of his ass.

THat's also a problem I have with game "journalism" in general. No retractions. No one gets fired for saying stupid shit like in the real media. No accountability at all...yet people still praise guys like Sterling. He's just a glorified blogger. Why anyone takes him seriously is beyond me.


"Six Days in Fallujah" has just released its three new missions via Steam EA

"The Seattle-based (Washington , the US) indie games publisher Victura and indie games developer Highwire Games, are today very happy and excited to announce that they have just released three new missions for their first-person tactical shooter "Six Days in Fallujah", nearly doubling the content in the game (the new missions is available right now for PC via Steam Early Access)." - Jonas Ek, TGG.


First Impressions - Six Days in Fallujah - Jump Dash Roll

Six Days In Fallujah is a controversial military sim which just hit Early Access. Jump Dash Roll dives into the battlefield to give its first impressions on a possible rival to Call of Duty.

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Six Days in Fallujah Early Access Preview – Can it overcome the controversy? | TheSixthAxis

14 years after its original controversy-filled announcement, Six Days in Fallujah has made its way into Early Access. How does this milsim game fare?

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