
Top 10 Embarrassing Achievements

The internet is rife with achievements guides and communities who assemble to help each other better their gamerscore and pursue an endless number of points in hopes of bettering their gaming competitors. So why not create a list of the shameful and down right dirty games that we jump head first into pursuing that elusive perfect score?

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rufusman914376d ago

I was proud when I looked up Juliet's skirt.

TekoIie4376d ago (Edited 4376d ago )

I earned more than 1 achievement that day ;)

tigertron4376d ago

I was proud when I looked at Lexine's ass in Dead Space Extraction.

rezzah4376d ago

I wasn't even paying attention to her ass when i suddenly got the trophy.

The focus might of been on her ass, but my eyes were elsewhere.

level 3604376d ago

No mention of Rumble Roses XX for the Xbox 360.. thought the character design on that game was way more beautiful and voluptuously done compared to all of the DOA Series.

The controls pad set-up was a bit clunky though.

KrimsonKody4376d ago


"Mmm, yes, I see...
...sooo did the controls appear to feel clunky before, during or after having played DOA?"

Legion4375d ago

"The controls pad set-up was a bit clunky though." Maybe because the controls were not meant to be played with one hand only? j/k

KrimsonKody4376d ago

I'm currently playing MGS HD, & I'm trying to get Snake caught "relieving" himself trophy.
I did it years ago. I believe Otacon busts you (no pun).

That's an embarrassing achievement within itself,
"remembering" just how to get Snake off?

guitarded774376d ago

I was thinking of that one too.

kesvalk4376d ago

ppl are this serious with gamerscore?

i know some gamers like to flaunt their e-peen to everyone else on the planet... but this is ridiculous...

DarthJay4376d ago

Every plays their games the way they want to. If it's not your thing, it's not your thing. If someone else enjoys it, why would you care?

cuddlemonkey4376d ago

Achievements , one of the reasons I prefer Xbox over ps3, seriously, they actually make me replay games I would shelve had it been tropheys.

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7 Game Endings That Made Us Go Wait, What

OX writes: " Ideally, the end of a game delivers a satisfying last bout of gameplay and wraps up the narrative. On occasion, though, a finale is so left field that they could be having Coachella in the right field and you wouldn't notice. Take these bizarre endings, for instance. "

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Null2982d ago

Where is fallout 4's ending with SHAWN?


Dead Or Alive Evolution of Body Physics - 1996 - 2016

A video which looks at the evolution of the Dead Or Alive characters and the inclusion of body physics over the years.

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Imp0ssibl33036d ago

This is all for science,folks!

timmyp533036d ago (Edited 3036d ago )

Yeah. This is reaching incredible heights I mean just look at this man.


https://giant.gfycat.com/Sm... << =O

Eonjay3036d ago

As a... man of science... I must say, that second pick is an amazing technical achievement... Thank you Japan. Thank you very much for being you!

blackblades3036d ago

Second image makes me want it now.

Black0ut3036d ago

Almost bought DOA 5 on sale the other day lol. You can obviously see what the 'attraction' to the game is X'D

blackblades3036d ago (Edited 3036d ago )

Extreme volley has better physics then doa5.

Black0ut3035d ago

so in other words, better boobies then? you learn something new every day.

DivineAssault 3035d ago

DOA is an amazing fighting game. The chicks are just a bonus.

TheCommentator3036d ago

The age affecting boob physics was present in the original DOA as well. When said that you were 99 years old, their boobs were just ridiculously funny to watch.

AgentSmithPS43036d ago

This looks better than I expected, it'd be a PSVR seller if it ever supports it.

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Dead Or Alive Xtreme 2 Vs Xtreme 3 Head to Head (2006 vs 2016)

A comparison video looking a the differences between the 2006 Dead Or Alive Xtreme 2 and the most recent Xtreme 3 on the PS4/PS Vita.

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vanity293037d ago

And people said it looked the same. Soft engine ftw

zackdollars3037d ago

It's the same game with some texture and lighting improvements. The same polygon and skeletal models. The same stages and re-used assets. Typical Japanese game development. Tecmo should be embarrassed.

lfc_4eva3037d ago

Some dodgy looking tan lines on number 2 ;-)

Bytor3036d ago

The boobs don't bounce around anymore.