
13 Most Anticipated Games For the Rest of 2012

SuperPhillip Central writes: "It seems every year gamers are saying that "this year is the best year in video games ever." We roll our eyes, we chuckle, we shake our heads in disbelief, but sometimes we understand where these people are coming from. 2012 has been a pretty packed year in regards to releases, and the second half is going to blow the metaphorical doors off the place. It is full of big releases and terrific-looking titles, but which games are the ones I'm most anticipating?"

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Skateboard4377d ago

*Checks list* All playstaion games, hmmmmmmmm.....

RSEagle4377d ago

Apparently you didn't, only about half of them are.

victorGma214376d ago

Woow... my wallet will cry this year.

Gazondaily4376d ago

I honestly cannot wait! Booked the day off and all! I'm so sad xD

slixshot4376d ago

lol, how did people dislike your comment, RSEagle? It's a fact.

samson-14377d ago

more like 1....lol Biggest title on that list is the awesome Halo 4.

mewhy324376d ago

I have to agree with samson1. There was really only one game on 'that list' I was interesting in. Halo4. I love LBP but not a kart racing fan...well maybe I'd like the 3ds mario but I'm a little sketchy on that one because a new development team is doing it.

jimbobwahey4376d ago

I'm looking forward to Halo 4 but my most anticipated is Need For Speed Most Wanted, which just looks fantastic in my opinion. It looks like Criterion took Burnout Paradise and Hot Pursuit and put them in a blender. Personally though I'm only anticipated 5 games myself this holiday season. In no particular order they are:

-Need For Speed Most Wanted
-PlayStation All-Stars
-Halo 4
-Little Big Planet Karting
-Far Cry 3

PhantomTommy4377d ago

Does anybody actually read the stories on this site?

Skateboard4377d ago

I meant *checks my list*, lol @ the replies.

greenpowerz4377d ago

Doesn't mater if they read them or not, they'll say the same things. Its fanatical fanboyism. Also kids do this to aggravate.

MaxXAttaxX4377d ago (Edited 4377d ago )

You? Out of all people, you are the one calling someone a fanatical fanboy.
Why? Because he chose only PS games? He didn't even bash other games or platforms. It's just his preference.

greenpowerz4376d ago

I don't enter comment areas trying to piss people off. I give my opinions and or debate people with facts.

It's funny to be called out by a known ps3 fanboy trying to defend a member blatantly trying to piss people off. Not opinion or debate but trolling lol.

Angels37854376d ago (Edited 4376d ago )


LOL you are such a huge fanboy. Your "opinions" clearly show that. The only "facts" you think you debate with are more opinions that you somehow changed to facts in that head of yours. I've never seen you come close to linking articles for viable proof or videos from credible sources (You haven't done anything to prove any points you make, you just spout opinions). Hell I linked you TWO videos analyzing hardware on all the consoles the other day from an ex developer and a Doctorate computer science major and you still said I was wrong.

Listen up everybody....and listen good this guy is a perfect example of fanatical fanboyism, not because he demonstrates EVERY known symptom to its highest degree. But if you challenge him in any way he accuses you of being a PS fanboy to cover his tracks (BTW NathanExplosion is the farthest thing from a ps3 fan just check his comment history, you on the other hand....your comment history is soooo one sided).

AND the main proof he is the perfect example of a fanboy? HE IS IN DENIAL ABOUT IT. EVERY SINGLE comment is "360 is better and ps3 games suck" then if you call him on it and say "hey why dont you be more fair" he says "shut ps3 fanboy, you cant argue with my made up facts" LOLOLOLOL what a joke.....

Brosy4376d ago

NathanExplosion is a sony fanboy, he has shown his bias on numerous occasions. He always has a little negative comment to make about the 360. You sony fanboys have just kept him stocked with bubbles, and he never goes completely blatant with his comments, but rest assured he is a sony fanboy.

Bobby Kotex4376d ago

Looks like a troll list. I wouldn't play most of those games if they were free.

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fermcr4377d ago (Edited 4377d ago )

WOW... this list fails so hard !!! Well it's their opinion, witch i clearly disagree.

No Borderlands 2, XCOM, Assassins Creed 3...

My list Most Anticipated Games For the Rest of 2012:

2. Borderlands 2
3. Assassin's Creed 3
4. Darksiders 2
5. Halo 4
6. Far Cry 3
7. Sleeping Dogs
8. Hitman
9. Need for Speed Most Wanted
10. Sly Cooper

Ramses34376d ago

Agree, this guy must be a 10 year old. Instead of NFS he picks sonic racing, and instead of Far Cry 3, GTA 5, Dishonored and other amazing games he picks 007? This guy should be fired.

ATi_Elite4377d ago

Was that like a List for a 9 year old kid or what?

Phil324377d ago (Edited 4377d ago )

I know responding to comments here is a fool's errand since most comments here are throwaways.

Regardless, if this list was for a 9 year old kid, then it would have been extended to 2013 so I could have listed Call of Duty, the Gears of War prequel, God of War Ascension, Grand Theft Auto V, and other games that ironically pretend to be more mature than they actually are. You know, the types of games that kids play so they can feel more adult because they have "matoor" cursing, blood, titties, and violence, and that grown men can play to fulfill their juvenile boy fantasies. I'll take color and whimsy over that bs any day.

But then again, the subject and misnomer of the "M" rating in video games always gets me salty. :)

Balcrist4377d ago

I think what he meant was that was that a good portion of the games are nintendo crap... Unfortunately, the new cod game Black Cocks II comes out this November, so assuming that this list is for kids, it's missing... However as the makers of CoD never balk at making people keep paying money to play the same game year after year, they'll probably release another one in 2013, so your point there is still valid at least....

BertlSenix4376d ago

No then the list would be full of Halo 4 and CoD cause those are stupid kids game.

antz11044376d ago

@ Phil:

Really? Sonic All Star Racing made it and not Borderlands 2? Or AC 3? Fail list man, fail list:(

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Navarone4377d ago

Borderlands 2 not on that list, weird.

LoaMcLoa4377d ago

Neither is Fall of Cybertron, also weird

hilmart4377d ago

Neither is Guild Wars2, also weird

greenpowerz4377d ago (Edited 4377d ago )

Wrong post.

Spenok4377d ago

Lol couldn't agree more, when I got to Sonic & All-Stars Racing Transformed I about did a full on facepalm.

Gorbenshore4377d ago

Could have listed a few more games

4377d ago
TekoIie4377d ago

yeh Resi 6 could have been thrown out for AC3. But then again this is an opinion piece.

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Will There Ever Be A New Rayman Game?

Ubisoft barely have a leg to stand on lately, so do they need to crack open the vaults and return platforming royalty to glory for some goodwill?

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-Foxtrot149d ago

We need Rayman 4, they could make a great platformer game if they wanted. With the open hub levels and the like.

Better than relying on Rabbids and Assassins Creed all the time

Profchaos148d ago

Yeah agree id love a Rayman 2 style 3d platform game over another 2d platformer I know people loved legends but it never gelled with me same as Rayman 1 back in the day on PS it just felt like a average platformer with sonic and Mario offering something better on what was then last gen hardware

Terry_B149d ago

Yes..but I am sure it won't be the Rayman game fans want. Not from the company that is Ubisoft today.

mastershredder149d ago (Edited 149d ago )

Ancel is retired from games. His hoodlum/rabbid team are doing their own thing. It would not be the same if Ubisoft did.

Profchaos148d ago

Probably far more profitable to make low effort Rabbids games aimed at kids over a next Rayman

Chocoburger149d ago

Experience points, skill trees to fill up, level gating, endless menial tasks and side quests, constantly scrounging for resources. Always having to upgrade your gear. A.KA. "The Ubisoft effect".

No thanks, don't ruin Rayman's legacy.

Profchaos148d ago

Sure there will be it'll launch right alongside the next splinter cell

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Every Resident Evil game Leon is featured in, ranked

GF365: "The iconic survival horror franchise Resident Evil boasts a great number of popular and memorable characters. Arguably, Leon S. Kennedy is the most popular and recognizable character aside from Jill Valentine. In this article, we'll be counting down every Resident Evil game Leon is featured in, ranked."

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Babadook7328d ago

Yeah I figured it would be ordered like this. For me Leons best game was his debut. RE2.


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