
Take-Two Gives Agent Non-Comment: “We Haven’t Announced Anything About That Title”

Another year, another non-comment about Rockstar’s PS3 exclusive Agent. - PSLS

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Sev4440d ago

I feel like yelling out Agent in the same rapid tone as the dude from Heavy Rain yells "Jason".

"Jaaaason!", "Jaaaaaaaaaaason?"

"Aaaagent!", "Aaaaaaaaaaaagent?"

dbjj120884440d ago

And instead of SHAUN!!! It's GTAAA??!!!?!!

Sev4440d ago

This works out perfectly, because Jason dies, and Shaun lives on.

Sev4440d ago

Not really, because it depends on which ending you get.

Reverent4440d ago

Sev... Ugh... it's a spoiler because...

You said JASON dies. Nothing to do with Shauns possible death at the end. Sure Jason's might be at the beginning but still, it's a very dramatic turn in the story that will totally ruin it for players that have yet to play the game.

dbjj120884440d ago

Well I didn't know any of this so I can guarantee it was spoiled for me.

Nitrowolf24440d ago

"Not really, because it depends on which ending you get."

WTF that still makes it a spoiler

+ Show (3) more repliesLast reply 4440d ago
-Mika-4440d ago

I hope this game haven't got cancelled.If you're not going to finish it. Just give it to Naughty Dog or SCE Santa Monica Studio. They would do an excellent job at finishing the game.

Sev4440d ago

Never going to happen. Different publishers, different wallets. Very different from Sony handing over a Sony IP to another Sony developer. PS3 exclusive or not.

Besides, you've never even seen it. It may not even be worth saving. Or worth Naughty Dog's time.

Imagine Naughty Dog, gets a pile of shit called Agent dumped on their plate. Agent still sucks, and The Last of Us suffers because of it. Doesn't work like that.

-Mika-4440d ago

It possible. Square bought the true crime game after activision canceled it.

Also you're probably right about that but take two is developing it so im not worried about it sucking.

They could work on it after they finish the titles currently working on.

Ducky4440d ago

...because neither studio has anything better to do.

KMCROC544440d ago (Edited 4440d ago )

You do realize your asking them to hand over an IP that belongs to R* ,even if it was to be a PS exclusive. Beside people at R* would be stupid to hand over an IP.

BanditGamer4440d ago

Oh dear goodness wow! Why doesn't the UN let Naughty Dog solve world hunger? I mean they are obviously the best at everything!
Come on playstation fans, we get it's they are really great but not every franchise needs to be given to them.

+ Show (1) more replyLast reply 4440d ago
Whitefeather4440d ago

I hope it's been delayed and been converted to a PS4 exclusive launch title.

WeskerChildReborned4440d ago

It probably could of or it went multiplatform but idk. Hopefully it's still alive though.

iamnsuperman4440d ago

"it’s becoming increasingly infuriating to hear Sony, Take-Two and Rockstar dodging the question again and again."

To be fair I do not think Sony actually knows what is going on. I think Tretton even said he wasn't sure if it was an exclusive any more.

This is one of those games that Rockstar will not talk about for a couple of years and everyone forgets about it. Then bam it will be announced (again) saying it has been in development for a really long time.

waltyftm4440d ago

No news is good news!!, wait what the hell am i saying, give us a few screen shots please.

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Take-Two bosses get $25m performance-based bonus, despite sacking 550 people

Zelnick and Slatoff have received a $25m bonus for their management fund after sacking 550 people from Take Two Interactive.

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thorstein5d ago (Edited 5d ago )

Can't wait to hear how the corporate bootlickers defend this.

seanpitt235d ago

This is the world we live in and people seem to think it's acceptable

Cacabunga5d ago

550 probably consultants.
GTA6 is in tweak phase, no need for massive number of people for that.


Best way to get rid of people like this is to make them disappear, permanently.

purple1014d ago

Bury them deep, plant an endangered species of tree ontop- body can never be recovered 🧐

Don’t ask how I know this 😂

JackBNimble4d ago

So don't support take 2 by buying games... pretty easy to vote with your wallet.

Profchaos5d ago

They also just held a leadership vote I don't think there was any changes

Software_Lover5d ago

I really don't even think CEO's should get bonuses. If I were a CEO and I made millions, I would like to think I wouldn't. Or if I had to legally, I would maybe find a way to disperse among the lower tier employees. Take my bonus and turn it into stocks to disperse out to those employees evenly.

DarXyde4d ago

That would be the way to do it. Imagine thinking a CEOs "leadership" is worth that much money while the talent makes the product.


FinalFantasyFanatic4d ago

I remember when I started working, my department manager used to gift us stuff each year, one year I got a bottle of Scotch, another it was a small basket of treats... But that was also a lot less money than what we're talking about here.

It would be ideal if the CEO could gift a bonus to everyone under them.

thorstein4d ago

Monetary company bonuses (often referred to as Christmas bonuses) were astoundingly common.

The entire premise of Christmas Vacation was set around Clark's bonus.

MrDead5d ago

CEO's work for shareholders and are shareholders they also rely on share price to receive their multimillion dollar paydays and they will happily fire thousands to protect shares. CEO's are there to extract the most value out of a company and give it to the wealthy few.

redknight805d ago

That is so god damn fucked up!! Unfortunately...I know damn well I will be still buying their games but shit like this should seriously have some sort of repercussion of some sort. 550 people get their lives totally up-ended and the leadership get a bonus on top of an already high salary. 25M could set those 550 people up with an annual salary each of $45,000. Depending on where you live, that is a very livable salary even...

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Take-Two’s 2025 Line-Up Is Going to Be Absolutely Epic

The Take-Two lineup for next year looks epic, with releases like GTA 6, Borderlands 4, Judas, and Mafia: The Old Country all coming next year.

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RaidenBlack10d ago

Judas in early 2025
Mafia 4 in mid 2025
Borderlands 4 in late 2025
GTA VI in early 2026
All within fiscal 2025.

Demetrius8d ago

Well I know for sure mafia devs and gta 6 will be 2 of the games that finally utilize this gen consoles power


Take-Two's 2025 Line-Up Is Looking Absolutely Wicked

Take-Two, the industry tycoon and owner of Rockstar Games, has an amazing line-up for 2025 outside of GTA 6.

exputers35d ago

Asking the real questions here.

Hopefully not GTA 6.

seanpitt2334d ago

When rockstar finally gives us a release date add another year on that then that's when you get to play it.. if you don't you will be disappointed it's happened to every rockstar game to date

gold_drake35d ago

im pretty sure they made their schedules around gta6 ha.

to get the most profits, cause gta is gonna swallow up any of them

Pyrofire9534d ago

I don't even care if GTA6 isn't feature complete. I hope it's not delayed and runs well. It's gonna be around for a while so there's plenty of time to add more later.

Zombieburger63834d ago

I think everyone can agree when I say shut up. Are you so bored out of your mind that want some half cooked game? No wonder the industry is shit when there’s people like you.

neutralgamer199234d ago

Rockstar games don’t release unfinished games and there is a big chance. GTA6 is a 2026 title.

Pyrofire9533d ago

People seem to not quite get what I meant. I'm not saying a half cooked game but it doesn't have to be SO caught up with GTA Online. Just the story mode.

Knightofelemia35d ago

GTA 6 is on my list, Mafia Old Country is in my cross hairs, and Borderlands 4 I am on the fence, and Judas also looks interesting.

Demetrius35d ago

🔥 Hopefully no delays smh u never know

TheColbertinator35d ago (Edited 35d ago )

Judas could be good but it will need some serious sales milestones to keep Ken Levine employed with 2K.

GTA6 is a no brainer. I am all in with that titan.

gold_drake35d ago

gta 6, Judas and borderlands 4 for me

gonna be a expensive next year ha

rpvenom34d ago

yup super expensive because 2025 and beyond has many bangers dropping.. what a time to be a gamer

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