
Malicious Review | Explosion.com

"Malicious is from that unique genre of games that rarely leaves Japan: like Shadow of the Colossus, it focuses on boss battles rather than exploration, and provides a very focused action experience. The plot is very simple, requiring you to retrieve some abilities which have corrupted the world and absorb them as your own. Despite its RPG-like appearance, it feels like a typical action game you would find in an arcade (albeit with better graphics and more mechanics). In between the button mashing, dodging, floating around, and painful resets, it actually manages to be a fun game to play and well worth the $10 PSN charges." | Explosion.com

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Godmars2904444d ago

Guess that's why there's no demo for a title that's been on the JP PSN for years. Pity.

Dir_en_grey4444d ago

It's an action game, the fighting system is top of the class and one of it's own.
This reviewer just don't get how to play the game thus it becomes a brainless button mash and you can never pass a level and get a good score playing like that.
The reviewer probably couldn't even pass one level thus the low score.

You have to strategically try to link your kills with a group of enemies before you can take on the boss. It's like a puzzle action game because you have to figure out how to fight to get a good score.

People who suck at games shouldn't be in the position to review them. Wish there's a site to rate and weed out these retard reviewers.

Azurite4444d ago

Would give it higher than 5.2
The game can be extremely frustrating at times though.

AmayaAi4442d ago

So the controversy goes on..


Malicious Fallen is Looking Maliciously Gorgeous on PS4

One of the best digital releases on the PS3 was the original Malicious developed by Alvion. In the years since, the game was also ported to the Vita. The good news is that it is now coming to the PS4.

Knushwood Butt2806d ago

Great music in the firrst game too.

I should have invested the time to learn how to play it properly.


Flash Sale: 20+ Games $0.99 Each, This Weekend Only

Posted by Chieh Chen:

Hi everyone! We’ve got a serious Flash Sale for you over the next couple days, with more than 20 games available for just $0.99 each. The Flash Sale starts right now, so head over to PlayStation Store and snap up some awesome games to play this summer.

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Majin-vegeta3729d ago

Hot damn so many good deals.

Legend Of Dragoon for 99 cents dont mind If I do

guitarded773729d ago

Yeah, 99 cents is nice, but I already own everything I want on that list. But at least they're having these flash sales more often now.

Giul_Xainx3729d ago



I just bought twisted metal like... AGH. But .99 cents? I'm going to buy them all. Screw it. I am in the mood for it.

TFJWM3729d ago

hmm I might have to pick up the 2 wild arms for vita even thou i still got the 2 ps discs

BLuTheSecond3728d ago

I would cream not just my pants, but the entire island of Manhattan if they were to have a 99c flash sale with both Vanguard Bandits and Final Fantasy 9 included in the list.

But oh well, Legend of Dragoon for me it is.

MightyNoX3729d ago

You, sir, have a great taste

Testfire3729d ago

I hear so much about LOD I'll have to try it out. Does it pass the test of time?

ABizzel13729d ago

It does for the most part. Make sure you get some Satchel for the Rainbow Bird.

ShadowWolf7123728d ago (Edited 3728d ago )

The only things that really need an update are the overly-literal translation and some voice acting in the cutscenes. But this was back when video game voice acting didn't really have any kind of 100% Gold Standard so it's somewhat excusable in that context.

Story and gameplay are great though. And challenging. One of the most underrated JRPGs out there. I'd buy it again if I didn't already own it both physically and on PSN. lol

DID get Wild Arms 1 and 2, Dino Crisis 2, Tekken 2 and the Syphon Filter trilogy though, so I'm set.

3-4-53729d ago

Time to stock up my Vita with some old games.

sanosukegtr1233729d ago

its a descent sale. nothing to complain

Syntax-Error3729d ago

They need to bring back Syphon Filter

ShadowWolf7123728d ago

Indeed. A modern remake/reboot could be amazing.

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TXIDarkAvenger3729d ago

Some nice games here, I want to try out Dino Crisis

Snookies123729d ago

Great game, but the controls are terrible lol.

talocaca3729d ago

Just bought Dino Crisis 1-2...for 2bucks.

I agree...the tank controls are pretty painful now...and so are the graphics.

But at least its dinosaurs :/

sanosukegtr1233729d ago

once you get use to the controls its would be fine

Syntax-Error3729d ago

There's some real a**holes on here. Snookies says "GREAT GAME, BUT THE CONTROLS ARE TERRIBLE" and gets 6 disagees w/ no agrees and Talocaca says "I AGREE...THE TANK CONTROLS ARE PRETTY PAINFUL NOW AND SO ARE THE GRAPHICS" and gets 2 agrees and no disagrees. Wow! This says a lot about the people that visit this site

Man_Marmalade3728d ago (Edited 3728d ago )

@syntax error - agrees and disagrees don't pop your bubbles.

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ado9083729d ago

They are only old ps1 and ps2 games tho :/

ado9083729d ago

Oh come on I know its 99 cents I have them all already tho and those psn titles arent even worth the purchase as they are terrible games. Odd world is the only one I would buy. Disagrees are always with you people like people care about your sensitivity

Muzikguy3729d ago

You're freakin crazy! Yes the Oddworld game is cool. So is Syphon Filter, Legend of Dragoon, and Wild Arms. I think I need to spend some $, even if I already own these. I wish they'd make them PS4 too though

Revengeance3729d ago

If they're terrible games why did you even bother purchasing them? Now you make yourself look foolish.

ado9083729d ago

@revengence, muzikguy wow don't know how to read much? I didn't say the psone games suck dude wtf u sensitivite fanboys are crazy. They are amazing games which I said I have the psone games. I don't have nor bought the psn games like malicious that came out specifically for ps3. Played the demo hated it, saw reviews and knew why I hated it. Case closed.

ShadowWolf7123728d ago

...did you just imply Dragoon is a terrible game?

MysticStrummer3728d ago

Before complaining about disagrees and calling people sensitive fanboys, you should realize that what you said above was incorrect. They aren't all old PS1 and PS2 games.

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WeAreLegion3729d ago

Dang it, Sony! You know I can't resist these deals!

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Checkpoint Reached #27

This week the staff at Checkpoint Games talk about some games in the first segment thy talk about some games including Republique, Infinity blade, some PS VITA games and finish off with some Gundam Wing talk. In the second segment they get political about the new FCC ruling in the United States as well as the Trans Pacific Partnership.

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