
Diehard GameFAN: Society of the Serpent Moon Review

DHGF: Society of the Serpent Moon delivers a solid, mostly stable, adventure experience using some clever tricks with full motion video to go along with the static and highly detailed backgrounds that give the player a haunted, suspenseful experience that fans of the adventure genre will love. There are some interesting puzzles that take a bit of discovery and brain power to solve and overall I found the game to be a lot of fun. The only thing I think that might detract from people that like flashier graphics is that this feels much older than it looks from the animations to the actual visual look of the areas. It does seem to have a few issues running, nothing game breaking, but save and save often if you like to flip screens.

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CC: Last Half of Darkness: Society of the Serpent Moon Review

CC: Iceberg Interactive has already created a trilogy of the Last Half of Darkness with the following titles: Shadows of the Servants, Beyond the Spirit’s Eye, and Tomb of Zojir. Now, they add an additional chapter to the mix with Society of the Serpent Moon. Having established a community for their murder mysteries, Iceberg Interactive has accomplished creating a thrilling atmosphere that brings point-and-click puzzlers back for more.

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Last Half of Darkness: Society of the Serpent Moon Review [Capsule Computers]

Author Joshua Moris of Capsule Computers writes:

"Perhaps one of the best attributes of the title are the artistic environments. Spanning from the deserted streets of a small French town to the inner workings of a cultist temple, the environments are deceivingly detailed. You will leave no crook, cranny, nor dog bowl untouched in this game!"

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masterabbott4350d ago

sounds like a pretty average game to me.


Last Half Of Darkness: Society Of The Serpent Moon – Review [GamingLives]

GamingLives looks at the latest in the "Last Half Of Darkness" horror series by WRF Studios.

"With a dark tone, tense atmosphere and suitably creepy ambiance, Society Of The Serpent Moon is a thoroughly enjoyable point and click horror adventure. While not particularly a stand-out amongst its peers, it nevertheless manages to hold its own with an arsenal of polished graphics, cinematic cut-scenes and immersive sound. For newcomers it makes a nice addition to the game shelf, and fans of the series won't want to miss this latest chapter of The Last Half Of Darkness."

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