
Doc Asks: Did Penny Arcade Really Sell Out?

Jason Gumaer writes:

"This week I examine Penny Arcade’s recent venture into the Kickstarter. This is relatively new territory. Kickstarter is a fairly new entity with little oversight. Other large companies have used it to much success but Penny Arcade is using it a slightly different way than most of the projects on the site. PA had decided to use Kickstarter to fund their site through another avenue, donations. But, does this mean Penny Arcade has sold out? Thank you for watching and I hope to see your comments."


The Magic Hour, a travelogue-style web series featuring Magic: The Gathering

The show will air exclusively on Penny Arcade's YouTube channel and release content weekly on Thursdays, alternating between the full 15-minute episodes..

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Penny Arcade - The Xbox One X

It has honestly been years since I even thought about the Xbox but I decided to see what they had done since I left and what the new hardware had to offer.

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Webbyy2412d ago

Now you know, now you know true power. Bring on the x beast.

gangsta_red2412d ago

lol, i'm convinced but I still would like the set up to compliment these mid gen consoles.

Gazondaily2412d ago

Damn! That is a MASSIVE endorsement for the console right there

NoPeace_Walker2412d ago (Edited 2412d ago )

Man, reading that article, especially the last paragraph, bought tears to my eyes. So emotional. The powerful specs of the Beast has bought the author, a self admitted Xbox hater, to come home to Xbox! I suspect many like him will do the same this Holiday.

TankCrossing2411d ago

Totally. I puked all over my wife. I... don't handle emotion well.

2411d ago
2410d ago
DEEBO2412d ago

Just pick up Metal Gear Rising,Rise of the Tomb Raider,Gears 4 and Assassin's Creed Orgin.
Plus I got some old X1 games on the hdd,

Ok MS,Trill Me!

BlackTar1872411d ago (Edited 2411d ago )

Aren't PA the people who refuse to put the third part of their RPG onto PS3?

I thought PA was always Xbox first type of people.

#1 & #2 were 2 of my favorite RPGs last gen but #3 fell short due to changing the style of the gameplay. Rain Slick was a great series though.

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A Look Into Eyrewood Adventures: Thornwatch

Secret a coin in your travelling shoe and step into the Eyrewood for Penny Arcade's, first-of-three board game RPG adventures, Thornwatch.

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