
Insomniac and EA's Outernauts begin Facebook exploration today

Joystiq- Outernauts, the adventure RPG from developer Insomniac (Ratchet and Clank, Resistance series) and publisher EA, launched today on the solar system's most used social networking site. The game sounds like Facebook Pokemon, as players "capture and train exotic alien beasts for battle"

4352d ago Replies(1)
Reibooi4352d ago (Edited 4352d ago )

I gave it a shot just because it was a Insomniac game and it still has all the stupid issues I don't like about facebook games.

While the concept is interesting and a bit fun to play it still limits the crap out of you basically only letting you play like 10 minutes at a time...unless you want to pour a ton of real world cash into it at which point I say screw it and go buy a real game to play that will give me far more enjoyment without the frustration.

ElitaStorm4352d ago

real cash should't be used in the beta

when i played Combat Arms beta, there were no real cash store

the real-cash deal usually launchs afterwards

Reibooi4352d ago

yeah I didn't try to buy anything at all while playing the beta. I just saw that the things needed to let you buy more energy from the store could be or would be buyable only with real money and so yeah...not gonna sink money into a game like that as over time you will have sunk enough in to buy numerous other games that likely would have given a better entertainment value for your dollar.

adorie4352d ago

Restaurant City was in beta, and I have seen some crazy money people used to play the game. One guy quit after spending 15 thousand dollars total on the game, after there was an item duplication glitch.

Eventually, EA closed it down and guess what? It was STILL in beta. Lol.

MySwordIsHeavenly4352d ago

Loved it, until I had to pay money to keep playing. Lol. Nobody is going to do that...

ElitaStorm4352d ago

same thing here, wasted 15min of my life

its sad that EA trys to cash-in with a beta game

Adolph Fitler4352d ago

I just wish Insomniac were at the helm of future Resistance releases, & I hope to god they never hand off the Ratchet series for other developers to butcher, just as Universal did to Crash when ND palmed it off.

One things for sure, Sony mishandled Insomniac somehow, as they should have been one of those in the minority, that stayed Sony exclusive.
And, if EA mishandle Insomniacs work (as it already looks like there doing like Sony did with bad marketing & release schedules), & just like EA & MS did to Oddworld Inhabants, & Insomniac flounder & there games struggle, then I really, really hope Sony buys them up before they are disbanded & fade into obscurity. Seeing Insomniac back at the helm of Resistance & Sony properly marketing it would be awesome.
Also seeing a ND & Insomniac combo of Sony exclusives on PS4 would rule & restore balance in the world as a whole.

MySwordIsHeavenly4352d ago

Insomniac never wanted Sony to buy them, unfortunately. :/

Luckily, we have Sucker Punch and Naughty Dog. ;)

shutUpAndTakeMyMoney4352d ago

I don't play on facebook but I will try it out cuz it's Insomniac.

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"Millions" Played It, But Ratchet & Clank Dev's Outernauts Is Shutting Down

GameSpot - Unfortunately, the current player count cannot keep up with the ongoing server costs.

Having already shut down the Facebook version of Outernauts, Ratchet & Clank developer Insomniac Games today announced that it's also closing the game's iOS and Android versions.

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There’s no shame in playing Facebook games

With so many people getting involved in games like Farmville 2 and SimCity Social and higher quality titles like PixelJunk Monsters, Outernauts and You Don't Know Jack showing up, the stigma that used to surround Facebook gamers is starting to face.

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A Look Behind the Development of Outernauts

Interview with Rowan Belden-Clifford an Associate Designer on Outernauts.

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