
The “Future of Console Gaming”: Can the Ouya Survive?

We talk a lot about whether or not the Ouuya is an innovation or a scam. But the root of any console is in the games, not the delivery system. Is the Ouya doomed to flare out before it has a chance to compete?

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WeskerChildReborned4448d ago

Probably for people who liked indie titles. I don't really see any AAA titles coming to it though.

jlugo4448d ago

I can see it grabbing some watered-down mobile versions of AAA titles. Capcom's been releasing dumbed-down versions of AAA titles since the dumbphone era.

WeskerChildReborned4448d ago

Yea i don't like the copycat mobile versions of other titles that much.

4448d ago Replies(1)
AngelicIceDiamond4448d ago (Edited 4448d ago )

A console that's fully hackable and free indie games on its service, plus kits in which you make your own games.

No, this appeals to a totally different market.

jlugo4448d ago

If it's appealing to the game designer market, that puts it in direct competition with the Steam Box dev kit. I don't know that the Ouya can even handle that level.

Patriots_Pride4448d ago

I agree this does not appeal to the console fanboys who love paying for DLC.

cleft54448d ago

Tell you what, let's wait until the Ouya is actually released and sold in the marketplace before we debate if it has a chance. Right now, the Ouya is vaporware and it will probably never see the light of day, with the exception of a limited release for those who payed $100 and upward for the kickstarter.

Ouya is a great idea, but thats all it will ever be. I hope I am wrong, but until the Ouya is released to be brought that console is nothing more than vaporware at best and scam at worst.

jlugo4448d ago

Well said. I'd hope five million dollars is enough to produce *some* kind of workable model, but you're right -- people aren't always as honest as we'd like them to be. I guess we'll just have to sit back and hope more updates come along over time.


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XiNatsuDragnel105d ago

Excited to see this game get published


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