
The War Z -- A New Zombie Survival Experience

IGN: "First details and interview about this hardcore zombie survival title."

SPAM-FRITTER-1234451d ago (Edited 4451d ago )

DayZ 1.

"We’ll launch with one world we call “Colorado," but we have more worlds designed, all of which are based on real world locales such as New York, Los Angeles, Paris, etc. We’ll be releasing new worlds/maps as we go and they’ll be available for free to all of our players."

LOVE been a PC gamer. these guys are gonna be getting my money.

ATi_Elite4451d ago (Edited 4451d ago )

Could you rip off the DayZ title anymore?

anyway the play mechanics is what is important and I hope they have played DayZ enough to know exactly what is needed and what needs to be improved to make WarZ a good game.

PLUS DayZ is making improvements almost weekly so WarZ better have good support.

I like the 250 people per server at 200 to 400 square kilometers. DayZ is 50 people @ 225 Sq. KM so I hope WarZ is more on the 400 sq. km size to help establish survival and not just a friggin shoot out with 250 people crammed into one place!

WarZ better have interesting places and accessible buildings along with Real World Ballistics like DayZ. WarZ could make night time play more fun as DayZ at night is Nuclear Astro Physics Hard.

Looking forward to more Zombie Survival with WarZ!

konnerbllb4451d ago

Nothing wrong with friendly competition. It looks like they started development before DayZ alpha became available too.

Does anyone know this games website?

SPAM-FRITTER-1234451d ago

here is the Beta sign up page. they don't have a proper site yet.



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