
Celebrities Don't Sell Games

Danielle D of VideoGameOlogists.com writes:

"I didn’t buy Fallout 3 because Liam Neeson voiced the main character’s dad. I didn’t buy L.A. Noire because half the cast of Mad Men were in the game. I didn’t play the Assassin’s Creed series because of Kristen Bell’s minor role in the game. So why do we make such a big deal about big named celebrities in our games?"

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afterMoth4450d ago

Agreed, can't stand him. I still downloaded the demo and that didn't help the cause as the game isn't good regardless of him being in it or not.

deep_fried_bum_cake4450d ago

"I still downloaded the demo and that didn't help the cause as the game isn't good regardless of him being in it or not"

I'm sure I don't need to point it out to you but that sentence made your opinion on the game completely invalid. And Brutal Legend was not a bad game, it was a very good game.

Not really sure why it's used as an example here though, as the game sold well over a million copies, which is rather good.

rdgneoz34450d ago

It was a good game, its just that people didn't expect it to turn into a RTS, which not everyone liked.

JakemanPS319944450d ago

For some it does! example; a couple of years ago right after GTA 4 came out, i was reading a game informer and somebody wrote in saying they scored it to high since it didn't have enough high end actors/voice actors especially compared to past gtas.

Agheil4450d ago

I COME TO PLAY GOOD GAMES, it doesn't matter to me if an ACTOR I like is in the game ( It's nice but not enough to buy a game for) , if the story is bad or the gameplay is horrible but a famous actor is in it, I wouldn't buy it still.

RXL4450d ago (Edited 4450d ago )

never thought about that actually..huh..

and i DON'T care about "big named celebrities" being in games as long as they do a great job..

otherwise..i don't bat an eyelid.

but do care about well known voice actors (I.E Nolan North, John DiMaggio..etc..)

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LA Noire Devs Are Working On New Psychological Thriller Called Sowden House

Members of the original development team behind Rockstar Games' LA Noire are working on a new psychological thriller called Sowden House.

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Profchaos79d ago

Hopefully McNamara is as far away from this as possible he set up shop in Australia then did nothing but complain about Australian labour laws while trying to make his workers live at the office working 24/7 on la noire punishing them for leaving at 3 am and being 10 minutes late to work at 9am the next day.

It's astonishing that none of the workers went to the fair work ombudsman as the studio would have been fined astronomical numbers

porkChop78d ago

Brendan McNamara is a brilliant writer and director but he should never, ever be in charge of a studio. What he did to those devs was far beyond "crunch", and it went on for, what, 7 years? That's insane.

But I'm glad to see some of that team have come together again to create something new. A psychological thriller sounds right up my alley.

anast78d ago

I would have liked to see a new noir game.

Demetrius78d ago

I been enjoying LA noire my first time playing it the vibe is🔥


25 Games We Want To See Get A Sequel

BLG writes, "Do you ever get that feeling after you’ve finished a game that you just wish there was more? Or do you spend years hoping and praying for a sequel that never comes?

This list compiles some of the top games we desperately want to get a sequel. Please give us more of our favorite games!"

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DefenderOfDoom2116d ago

Would love to see a sequel to the 7th gen FPS campaign SINGULARITY from RAVEN Software..


Play L.A. Noire Free With Your GTA+ Membership

L.A. Noire is coming to the library of free games available to GTA+ Members on Thursday, May 2.

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TheColbertinator144d ago

Great game that unfortunately was only made once

anast144d ago

I would day 1 New York or Chicago Noir even LA Noir 2.