
6 PS3 sequels that blow their predecessors out of the water

PSU.com writes:

"Sequels are a tricky business. Like a musician’s second album, it has to build upon the foundations set by the original, while simultaneously introducing a number of fresh elements and attempting to better its predecessor in every conceivable manner. Invariably things don’t always pan out, though when it does, we’ve been privy to some of the best slices of gaming on the market."

Outside_ofthe_Box4343d ago (Edited 4343d ago )

I don't get why AC and Elder Scrolls are on there.

Anywho, Killzone 3 did not blow Killzone 2 out of the water. Any true Killzone fan will agree. Killzone 3 is a CoD carbon copy. Killzone 2 is a unique FPS experience. There is no shooter out there that is like Killzone 2.

***"and the new Brutal Melee system makes proximity encounters that much more strategically rewarding with the addition of combos."***

WTF????? What combos??? Brutal Melee is an instant kill button. It does not not make close encounters strategically rewarding at all as there is no strategy involved. First person to press the Brutal Melee button wins. What the hell is strategic about that???

mochachino4343d ago

The gunplay in KZ3 is completely different than COD gunplay, Killzone 3 doesn't resemble COD much at all.

Killzone 3 has some of the most satisfying shooting mechanics I've experienced imo.

killerhog4343d ago (Edited 4343d ago )

Kz3 doesn't do perks, doesn't have overpowered kilstreaks, extreme auto-aim help, and gun recoil. Sorry but kz3 is not a COD copy. It's easier than kz2 but still mostly barebones and requires skill to play.

I do agree that the brutal melee is dumb, especially if up against a lagger. I love shooting someone and they get me with a brutal melee.

kneon4343d ago

I don't agree that KZ3 is a COD carbon copy, but it has very definitely been influenced by COD, much to it's detriment. KZ2 was a much better game.

Kaos_Vll4343d ago

what's a true killzone fan buddy?

in my opinion the first was the best and any true killzone fan would agree, despite it's short comings.

better story, better characters( you could play as 4 different people for crying out loud!). All you new killzone fans see is pretty graphics and thinks that makes for a better game. not.

kz2 got so many things wrong they spent 4-6 months trying to fix it before they just abandoned it like they've now abandoned kz3.

SamPao4343d ago

I have to agree with you, Killzon 2 is WAY more unique, and I also like it WAY better!

+ Show (2) more repliesLast reply 4343d ago
abzdine4343d ago

killzone 3 is a very average game. KZ2 is the very best and has the best online play

Relientk774343d ago (Edited 4343d ago )

Uncharted 2 and Assassin's Creed II. They are leagues better than their first games and their first games were great games

Lovable4343d ago

Ass 1 is good? I beg to differ...

OmniSlashPT4343d ago

Uncharted 2 not only blew his predecessors out of the water, but blew the whole industry as well.

deletingthis346753344343d ago

How did Uncharted 2 blow the whole industry out of the water? Is it because of the generic third person cover-based shooting? The light platforming elements? The unoriginal and shallow story with no depth or substance? The Nolan North voice acting? The tacked on multiplayer that is found in every mediocre shooter this generation? Help me out here...

ThePainkiller4343d ago

Can I buy some coke off you? That has to be the dumbest, most moronic FANBOY "factual statement" ever said. You'd lick the dog shit off of Sony's sweaty palms if you had that chance.

GUYwhoPLAYSvideoGAME4343d ago

i feel like infamous 2 should be on this list

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thorstein289d ago

Dogmeat: *bark!*

Translation: you are dead to me.


You can probably add Karlach to this from BG3


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dumahim303d ago

Thanks for the warning. I sure would have hated to have been surprised by installing a ubisoft game on accident.

Profchaos303d ago

Because you can't play all the games on every subscription already

KillBill302d ago

Valhalla is not on GamePass.

anast302d ago (Edited 302d ago )

I like Valhalla. The others haven't aged well.