
Bomb Monkey Review | Game Podunk

GP: "Everyone loves monkeys, right? But give one a bomb and you may get some rather explosive results (pardon the pun). You'd also get Renegade Kid's latest game, a new eShop puzzler appropriately called Bomb Monkey. Luckily, the titular character is not destructive for mischevious reasons; rather, he's a participant in an in-game sport called Blok Bombing.

The goal of the game is rather simple - toss bombs at blocks that rise up from the bottom of the jungle floor (or bottom of the screen in our case) in an attempt to destroy them, all the while making sure that they don't rise high enough to knock you off of your perch. But is this your typical falling blocks puzzle game, or is there more to it than meets the eye?"

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MultiConsoleGamer4352d ago

Any game that features a monkey is automatically good.

live2play4352d ago

and single system 2 player mode

both can play on a single 3ds

and the game is alot of fun


Renegade Kid Titles On Sale for 3DS eShop

Renegade Kid is one of the best indie companies for Nintendo. From the Dementium series on the DS to Mutant Mudds on the 3DS, Renegade Kid always has a high level of quality in all of their titles that resembles a large studio more-so then an a smaller indie company. For a limited time starting today, Renegade Kid has 3 titles on sale for 30% off on the 3DS eShop.

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randomass1713740d ago

Oh good. Been meaning to get Mutant Mudds.


Renegade Kid Gives Bomb Monkey an Explosive Price Drop

Bomb Monkey has been reduced to $2.99 on the Nintendo 3DS eShop.


Top 10 3DS eShop games you may not have played but totally should

GameZone: "Most individuals purchase physical 3DS games at retail, so quite a few digital releases fly under the radar — unless they’re titled Pushmo. Here are 10 eShop games you may not have played but should definitely check out."

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BenRage34212d ago (Edited 4212d ago )

I plan on getting a 3DS this Christmas so I'll definitely keep an eye out for these games.

Venoxn4g4212d ago

Liberation maiden is awesome, I recommend:

Art of balance
Mutant mudds
Marvel pinball & Zen pinball
Night sky
Nano assault EX

ronin4life4211d ago (Edited 4211d ago )

I would like to add;
Mighty switch force
sakura samurai

That's what I have so far.
Oh, and Colors 3d has proved pretty interesting as well.

Venoxn4g4211d ago

didnt play samurai, but other two are great