
How Epic Games has managed to slip the chance of getting PC gaming back to their side

DSOGaming writes: "I seriously didn’t expect to be writting such an editorial piece… again. You see, when Epic Games announced that they were developing a PC game, we were delighted. Like little kids, we imagined a new Unreal Tournament game or a triple-A FPS/third person title that would push the graphical boundaries. In fact, after both Unreal Engine 4′s and Unreal Engine 3′s demonstration, we’d expecting for something mind-blowing. A Blade Runner game, powered by Unreal Engine 4? Who would say no to that? Fast forward a couple of months and here we are today, with Epic Games finally revealing the game that will be coming exclusively on the PC."

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NYC_Gamer4455d ago

Epic is more of a MS 2nd party developer now days

shutUpAndTakeMyMoney4455d ago (Edited 4455d ago )

"Next-gen's here. It's been here. It's a high-end PC," Bleszinski said. He added that the dudebro-free Fortnite didn't "make sense" for Unreal Engine 3, and cheered PCs as being part of Epic's "heritage."

he is still trolling pc gamers?

screen shot.

Why do I need a high end pc? It looks like a xbla or browser game!
Should I fire up a gtx 680 for this??

@Trenta27 this is the new direction..

"Originally, Fortnite was more like Gears -- it took place in a dark, realistic and ruined world, and the enemies were more frightening. Bleszinski mentioned both Cormac McCarthy's The Road and The Walking Dead franchise as influences on that original look. But as the team played the game more and more, Bleszinski said, that vibe was just "depressing." Running in Unreal Engine 4, the game not only looks gorgeous and vibrant, but much lighter and more colorful than your standard shooter fare. Nights (which currently show up about every hour or so, though that may change) can be scary, but "daytime has this kind of fresh and clean and new bubbly feel," Bleszinski said, "which is really welcoming."

I am glad it's less scray now and more bbbb-BUBBLY??

Trenta274455d ago

It could have taken a completely different direction since that video released. They just wanted to build the hype train with that trailer.

WeskerChildReborned4455d ago

Yea next gen is here but most developers focus on the bigger audience which is the console players.

h311rais3r4455d ago (Edited 4455d ago )

Do you really need great graphics for a good pc game? I mean seriously....I personally think it looks great. They're probably going to smack it with DX11 and advanced rendering to make it look literally like a cartoon not just models with cartoon textures.

Your complaints is exactly why the consolites hate the pc crowd. "graphics graphics or it sucks" if you like tf2 ur a hypocrite especially since crysis was out.

On topic I'm glad epic wants to come home to PCs. They could always port their games to console after.

@all the Sony try hards claiming uncharted is king below....it's a movie...a linear movie with some shooting and climbing bits thrown in...that's why it looks so good for a console game. There's not much to it at all. It's not even hard. I have all 3 and IMO they're just glorified graphics. The gameplay is stale. Besides you all keep saying nothing can graphically top them? Pc games have been looking better since 2006....they don't have to deal with lack of AA or blurry ness of the image due to upscaling....nice try Sony try hards. Why can't you just accept the FACT that pc games will always look better??

MrGunny944455d ago

One thing is Art Style other thing is Graphics my friend... Only when we see benchmarks of this game we can talk about performance and how much it pushes.

Jreca4455d ago

So people ask for novelty against sequels, and now you get novelty and ask for basically "the same, but bigger"?

Seriously, I hope Fortnite is what everyone doesn't expect it to be. I want surprise, I want the feeling that should be the most sought after: new generation implies new forms of playing, not just under better graphics but under most capacity. AssCreed is a fine example of new capacities from new consoles, so I expect the same surprises and evolutions.

Long live gaming.

exsturminator014455d ago

I personally felt like the author was missing the point entirely. Minecraft: a game focused solely on customization and creation. Epic: a company famous for their modding tools and accessible engine. Fortnite: a potential playground for modders wanting to jump into developing on Unreal Engine 4, combing the creation based gameplay of MC and the power Epic's tools bring to the table.

And yet he complains about graphics and production values. I'm a PC gamer, and I do NOT approve of such snobbery! Long live gaming!

Eyesoftheraven4455d ago

It's way too early to be talking all this shit about Fortnight, what the hell? I'm excited to see more and hope for the best.

Psycho_PS3Truthh4455d ago

The future of gaming will always remain with console, because it is where the greatness of gaming as been since the PS1 era when the PS1 change the living rooms for all eternity. EPIC is smart to be telling sony and everyone to push the limits of the consoles and I know the PS4 will be able to run the unreal 4 better than any device in the earth.

PC will always be the game testing device and consoles will always be the place to play what as been tested HAHA.

Eyesoftheraven4455d ago

I'm not a doctor, but I fear you may have a minor case of severe brain damage.

Letros4455d ago

The jelly is strong in this one

exsturminator014455d ago

Bad Troll! Bad! Go back to your bridge and let the reasonable people talk!

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Epic: Mobile Gaming Business "Largely Broken," Says "Dysfunction" Due to 30% Tax From Apple, Google

Epic Games CEO Tim Sweeney notes that the mobile gaming industry is "largely broken," and blames the 30% tax levied by Apple and Google.

Christopher34d ago

Man has been saying this for ages and knows full well the only thing he wants is more money at Apple and Google's expense and absolutely none of this will result in lower prices for the consumer.

Tacoboto33d ago

He expects the digital equivalent of opening up his own store inside of a Walmart or Target. It's absurd.

And he feels absolutely entitled to it, in a too-big-to-fail sense - because Unreal Engine is used by so many developers, banning Epic would hurt those developers relying on their tech, which would be super unfair to the developers.

Notellin33d ago

Thank goodness you are there to defend the small guys Google and Apple. You're so brave, Christopher!

Christopher33d ago

Yeah, I'm totally defending Apple and Google and not explaining how another company is just as greedy. That's the big takeaway from my comment, Apple and Google good, only Epic bad. Yup. I totally didn't make it about the fact that this man just wants more money and isn't doing it for the consumers. Nope. Not that at all. I'm just praising up Big Tech. They're my one and only love in life. Please recognize me Big Tech Senpai!

VersusDMC33d ago

The epic games store charges a 12% tax and has been losing money for 5 years...that sounds dysfunctional.

gerbintosh33d ago

They are only losing money because Steam has a stranglehold on the market.

Christopher33d ago

It's a play to attempt to win over the market so they can then realign pricing with what Steam has in the long run. The problem is they are doing only that and not actually building a better software supported platform on PC. Essentially, they're throwing money at the problem, not actually trying to compete by providing better service.


Epic Says They Spent $1B in Fight Against Apple & Google, "Small Price to Pay" for Freedom of Market

Epic Games CEO Tim Sweeney revealed that they have spent $1 billion fighting Apple and Google but adds it's a "smam price" to pay for freedom.

BeHunted37d ago (Edited 37d ago )

Fortnite on the Google Play Store would've generated over $1 billion in percentage fees for Google. Smart move.

1nsomniac36d ago (Edited 36d ago )

I buy most my pc games through epic now. Don’t get me wrong I love steam and steam has had a lot of my money for the work they put into the platform. But i like what Epic are fighting for and they’ve been open about it from the very beginning. I wish they would sort out their verify/repair files option for when you format your drives. The whole rename/redownload hack is an absolutely awful archaic solution.

Tacoboto36d ago

They've been open about how they so openly violate the terms of the platforms they distribute on.

They spent over a billion on legal battles, and also had significant layoffs. Maybe they should cater to their employees first before forcing governments to add more regulations for industries governments just do not understand. The EU DMA - Apple's policies and lawyers have made a mockery of it every step of the way.

And back when they openly and proudly violated Apple's policies, they tried using Fortnite to coerce its players (including children) to rally against Apple's 30% fee.

Which is the same 30% fee console makers apply, but Epic has no problem with that! Epic isn't fighting for you, they're fighting for themselves and don't mind siphoning the money they get from Unreal, even if it results in layoffs.

1nsomniac36d ago

First of all you’re wrong, but second of all you clearly don’t know an awful lot about what you’re talking about.

Tacoboto36d ago

Epic proudly violated Apple's terms by introducing their own payment option in Fortnite. Fact. That's literally what started this. Epic then went on to put banners in Fortnite as a not-so-subtle call-to-arms against Apple.
Epic also violated console terms by enabling cross-platform play in Fortnite. Fact.
Epic cut 800 jobs a year ago. Fact.

Epic sucks, their engine is too big for them to fail and they know it, so they're using that to subsidize their legal battles against Apple and their attempts to rally international governments into creating regulations based on what *they* want.

phoenixwing36d ago

Epics launcher is a piece of crap compared to steams. In fact every launcher so far is crap compared to it. The only reason epic has any traction is they literally give away games in order to drive a user base.

anast36d ago

They have some good semi-giveaways.

KwietStorm_BLM36d ago

They'll make that back in a fortnight.


FTC Urges Court to Crack Down on Google in Monopoly Case It Lost Against Epic Games

The FTC intervened in the legal battle between Epic Games and Google, after the latter was found guilty of antitrust violations with its Play Store.

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Willbo4739d ago

People are hollering, but I expect the game to be a gem. We'll see. Could be wrong, but I don't think so. I don't think Bioware can afford another EA FUELED dumpster fire though

Abriael39d ago

Are we talking about the same thing?

TheNamelessOne39d ago (Edited 39d ago )

N4G probably N4Gd again. Never happened to me, but I see a lot of people mention they somehow post on articles they didn't mean to. Not sure if it's them, or if it's the site itself, but it tends to happen a lot on here.

gold_drake39d ago

this definitely happened to me once xD

u scroll down abit too much, end up on a completely different article and lost watever u wanted to on the other

FinalFantasyFanatic39d ago

I'm not a fan of the endless scroll feature, it reminds me too much of social media sites like Facebook and Instagram. I can easily see how someone would accidentally post on the wrong article.