Drox Operative Update Adds Progress Screen

Soldak Entertainment has released a new update for space action RPG Drox Operative, downloadable now from the Soldak site. This update adds a progress screen to let the player see how close he is to winning, along with a number of other fixes and improvements.

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Drox Operative Review | Good Game SP

Drox Operative is a surprisingly deep game for something that looks so simple on the surface. Despite some rough edges and average graphics, it's easy to happily lose hours here.


Drox Operative Greenlit

One of the games I (Blane from TwoDashStash) fell in love with last year, Drox Operative, has been greenlit and is now available for purchase on Steam. Developed by Soldak Entertainment, Drox Operative is a unique space 4X RPG that has a thriving solar system populated with several civilizations who are competing for galactic dominance that players have free rein to explore, harass, and aid as they see fit.

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Drox Operative Review | 6aming

6aming's Mike steps into the starships and explores space in Drox Operative. Find out what he thought of the indie title within.