
IGN Goes Hands on with Tank! Tank! Tank! - Charm Offensive


Namco Bandai's upcoming version of arcade favourite Tank! Tank! Tank! for the Wii U is a bit of an oddity. My time with the game began chaotically, as the four of us playing raced around firing rockets at metal arachnids that threatened to crush us beneath their despicably numerous legs. Less than five minutes later I was fleeing from those I'd just been working with, my tank shrunk to the size of a metal-plated water pistol whilst my rivals' undiminished vehicular destructors took aim at me with machine guns and plasma bolts.


Here's what to look forward to in the midseason tank update

Julia Lee writes about Maokai, Sejuani and Zac getting the spotlight this time!

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2717d ago
2717d ago

Tank! Tank! Tank! Now Free to Download on Wii U

Hardcore Gamer: The third-person action party game, TANK! TANK! TANK! has gone from costing $50 at retail and via download to being a totally free download in North America.

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bigchad4163d ago

you even get 60 club nintendo points for the download.


Tank! Tank! Tank!, CastleVania & More Now Available via Nintendo Digital Channels

This week’s digital releases on Nintendo formats launch a brand new chapter in the Wii U console’s offerings. Namco Bandai’s Tank! Tank! Tank! is now officially available as a free-to-play title, the first of it’s kind on the console. Also available to download now are a demo version of Rising Star Games’ Shifting World and the classic Castlevania for Nintendo 3DS.

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