
Best Level Ever – Halo 2: Delta Halo/Regret

Video games are a form of escapism. We can go anywhere, be anyone and do anything. The execution, but not the idea, of this has changed over the years, as games overload us with cinematic action and scripted events to scream “HEY, DID YOU KNOW YOU’RE ON AN ADVENTURE?! ISN’T IT F$$$$$G AWESOME?! THAT CONTINENT JUST EXPLODED! LOOKATITLOOKATIT!” in our faces. Because of this, what made the 1-2-punch of Halo 2‘s “Delta Halo” and “Regret” levels great was the way in which the developers didn’t do this – it was as much a mystery as it was a thrill ride.

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Irishguy954401d ago

Delta Halo has given me some of my fondest memories in gaming, perfect level.

Mainsqueeze4401d ago

It was a really good level but idk about best ever lol. Halo 2 i thought had the best multiplayer ever but the sp was like second or third best in the series.

Psychonaughty4400d ago

Yeah Halo 2's sp was incredibly weak, Halo 1 and ODST's sp were far superior.

Summons754401d ago

I have the greatest memories from Halo 2 because of the online but basically living on it, but I think Halo one SP was more powerful. Than Halo 3, 2 than Reach

peowpeow4401d ago

I agree it was more powerful overall, but my fondest memories were still from H2 co-op campaign. I am so pumped because I think H4 will be the best SP and MP wise, above even H1!

SpartanZero4400d ago

This is probably the single player level I replayed the most besides the tank mission.

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The Best Four-Player Original Xbox Games

Remember the days of four-player couch co-op? The Wealth of Geeks team certainly does. This list brings us back to the golden years of the original Xbox with the best four-player games that were available.

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Exvalos48d ago

If halo comes then nothing is off limits, whole slate is coming.


The Most Iconic Game Weapons Ever

BLG writes, "There are many fantastic and iconic weapons in game history, but some are significantly more memorable than others. When we think of iconic game weapons, these are the top 20 that come to mind."

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phoenixwing170d ago

You forgot one and it's a doozy. The weapon is kindness in undertale. :) defeats countless enemies.


Ranking Every Halo Game From Worst To Best

Not every Halo game has been a banger, but the franchise still has a raft of the greatest games of all time.

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HellspawnPR1981199d ago

Infinite is a dumpster fire and as much as I like ODST, in no universe it ranks above Halo 2. This list is trash.

Kaii199d ago

Just exclude Infinite>5>4

ChasterMies198d ago

Best to worst: Halo 3, Halo 2, Halo Reach, Halo CE, Halo 4, Halo ODST, Halo Infinite, Halo 5.