
Best Games of the Year So Far: Mass Effect 3, Diablo 3, Fez, more

DS: With this year's E3 expo now behind us, the gaming calendar has reached its halfway point, so we're looking back at some of the best releases of the past six months. From Mass Effect 3 to Diablo 3, there has been no shortage of blockbusters in 2012, but indie offerings such as Journey and Fez have put many of the big name studios to shame. Here are our early picks for 2012's game of the year award.

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4461d ago
hiredhelp4461d ago

Maxpayne 3 for me putting aside the multiplayer witch just BONUS really the actual game where its at is simply awsome quality gameplay story non stop action.

Son_Lee4461d ago

Tales of Graces f for me, so far.

fermcr4461d ago (Edited 4461d ago )

Max Payne 3 is the best game of the year so far (for me). Other games of the list are good, except Street Fighter X (not my type of game) and... Diablo 3, take this piece of sh** out of the list.

The Witcher 2, great game, should be included. Released last year for PC and this year for X360.

Fyflin4461d ago

Mass Effect 3 for me. Regardless of the upset caused by the ending, it's the final part in a story I've been immersed in since 2007. Awesome series, as good as sci-fi gets when it comes to gaming.

Anon19744461d ago

Not surprising really. Despite all the bitching and moaning about the ending on the internet forums, everyone to the last that I know personally who played the game, loved the game. And the reason is a game is more than just an ending. The hours of fun they had playing it was hardly dampened at all by the ending that most I spoke to didn't have an issue with.

Critics felt the same with with the game managing a metacritic score of 93 out of about 74 reviews. I didn't see a single negative review from any professional reviewer. I have yet to play ME2 or ME3 so I can't judge yet, but I have ME2 ready to go as soon as I have some game time to play something. I'm looking foward to both.

TekoIie4461d ago (Edited 4461d ago )

Unlike most people on this site (based on your disagrees lol) I'm a sucker for cliffhangers/open endings. Mass effect 1 ended with me wanting to know more. Me2 ended with me just amazed at how fun the final mission was and how the story could progress! Me3 got me thinking "what next?". Just didn't want the story to end :(

Easily best in the franchise for me :D

Probobaly the same reason I love AC so much. Every game adds more questions and When (SPOILERS) I got to the vault at the end of revelations it was really sad knowing that I was at the end of Ezios journey.

pandehz4461d ago

Unfortunately you got disagrees from ppl because so called self entitled nerds believe they paid for their expectations to be fulfilled and did not actually pay to play a game they never played.

Hicken4461d ago

Actually, I think they paid for a product that was advertised, and was upset that what they got was not that. You know, the choices over three games mattering, an ending that wrapped everything up, multiple unique endings... Hundreds of hours and dollars invested: it's like taking a road trip to a theme park with your friends, having fun along the way, only to get there and find the park is closed. Yeah, you still enjoyed the trip, but the ending sucked, making the overall feeling far lower than you would have liked.

But I guess that's being entitled, right? Expecting to get what you were told you were getting.

pandehz4460d ago (Edited 4460d ago )

@Hicken show me an ad where it says all that?

I have seen ads saying variations of things like that but those entitled gamers expected a loooot more.

Also since when did gamers start expecting everything from ads? Ppl buy it and play it knowing that an unexpected story will unfold, if these gamers already made up a story in their heads then its not the creators fault. If they didnt like the story or the game then its fair enough, just low rate it but demanding changes and bashing like the universe belongs to them is just lame.

Also your road trip example is bull. Its more like they got to enjoy the entire amusement park but the main roller coaster they always wanted to ride on was slower and less thrilling than their 2 yrs of pent up expectations. This is more like it. Ppl got to enjoy the game regardless. There are so many damned games that are way more terrible than ME3 even the best of the best in the past few years have terrible portions when compared to ME3

All Im sensing is you and many self entitled
fan-hybrid-nerd-geek-shepherd s want full satisfaction of your expectations. Nothing wrong but when handled the way it was then its wrong.

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Dirty_Lemons237d ago

Cyberpunk and No Man's Sky have to be up there. We're lucky and cursed, equally, to have games that can be updated now. For folks old enough to remember the Sega/SNES into PS1 and even 2 eras, if a game came out that was half baked (*cough*Angel of Darkness*cough*) that was it, no redemption. At the same time, having the option for updates shouldn't be an excuse for half assing games.

thorstein237d ago

I remember when the Nintendo Seal of Approval meant something.

All those games had to release without bugs.

shinoff2183237d ago

Comebacks shouldnt be a thing in videogames. Just saying.


PlayStation Boasts Record 123 Million Monthly Active Users, Shows Glimpse of Gravity Rush Movie

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260d ago Replies(4)
Barlos260d ago

Forget Gravity Rush movie, give us another GR game!

porkChop260d ago

I didn't even know a movie was coming. If they can get the visuals and everything right I'll watch it.

Barlos260d ago

I didn't either, until this article. I'm also surprised, since GR was a commercial flop. Seems weird that they'd want to invest money into making it into a film.

I think the games are great though, especially on Vita. I think the move to PS4 killed the experience a little, but I'd still like to see a new one.

1Victor259d ago

I didn’t know it was in development ether but it makes sense after they saw the first doctor strange movie and the far from home fight, if it’s like that’s it’s going to be one of those Oscar nominees

Cacabunga259d ago

GR movie and shutting Japan Studio.. so stupid

porkChop259d ago


Oh yeah... Well there goes any hope for a new game. Shuttering Japan Studio was a really bad decision.

+ Show (1) more replyLast reply 259d ago
purple101259d ago

Surely you’d think if the movie is coming so is another game

And I couldn’t be happier.

Only played the demo of gr2 but let me say it’s one of the most artistic and inventive new games. Ps5 will power gr3 to new heights
Fingers crossed

Made my day hearing this.

Finally, something innovative

Redemption-64259d ago

GR2 flopped, which would they make a new game? A movie has more appeal and a successful hit at the bix office, could lead to a new game for the franchise

ChasterMies259d ago

Ok, I’ll stop sitting on Gravity Rush 2. It’s been in my library for only 8 years.

Chocoburger259d ago

Play Gravity Rush Remastered first if you haven't already, the stories are linked together. GR 2 is a fantastic game, it has a lot of stuff to see and do. In fact I have purposefully not completed the game 100% because I simply didn't want the game to end. I still have some trophies to collect, and a whole free story DLC chapter to play through.

Gravity Rush 3 would be amazing! But the team that made parts 1 and 2 were shut down, so I don't expect it to happen. This was Jim Ryan's biggest sin of all, shutting down PlayStation Japan Studios. What a shame.

FinalFantasyFanatic259d ago

Why not both? I really like the games and was disappointed we didn't get a third game to finish off the story, but I wouldn't mind a movie either if it's well done. Maybe it'll drum up enough interest to get us that third game.

+ Show (2) more repliesLast reply 259d ago
gold_drake260d ago

damn that is aaalot of ppl

id rather have another Gravity Rush game than a movie tbh

DarXyde259d ago

Same. This series really resonates with my gaming spirit. I love these games so much that I got four platinums out of two games. I was always dreading that we would never get another game after Japan Studio's closure, but I'm feeling hopeful in them not giving up on the franchise with this move. My guess is that they're going to use this as a funding point

MrNinosan259d ago

That is the same amount as daily loading screens... never mind

259d ago Replies(2)
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