
Should Gearbox Add Women to Aliens' Multiplayer?


The BNBGAMING.com Friday Roundtable discuss Gearbox's design decision to exclude playable female characters from co-op/competitive multiplayer in a universe dominated by strong women leads; and also, the petition to force Gearbox to reconsider this decision.

Is this a no-brainer on Gearbox's part, or should gamers respect the developer's right to creative integrity?

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california4460d ago (Edited 4460d ago )

Yes! In the movie there was a female marine named Vasquez, or why not Ripley?

mike1up4460d ago


As an ALIENS fan I would be disappointed if Ripley wasn't at all playable.

samtheseed4460d ago

They would sell 1 million more copies if you could play as Vasquez... Well, maybe not, but it would be supper ace to have Vasquez in the game.

WeskerChildReborned4460d ago

Unless it's ripley. I would wanna play Ripley.

aliengmr4460d ago

If they can do it then should try adding female characters to MP. If they can't or won't they should just say so and be done with it.

IMO since its primarily a "franchise" issue and not an "equality" its worth considering. I also think the petitioners deserve the respect of a simple yes or no answer instead of just being called whiners. Its a request, not a hostage situation.

MrDead4460d ago

Vasquez, Ferro and Dietrich were all female marines. They should be included as they played a big part in the film.

MiamiACR214460d ago

Women serve no real purpose other than to reproduce in life, I don't see why it should be different in games and movies.

MrDead4460d ago (Edited 4460d ago )

One day child you might meet a real one and see they offer a lot more than your very limited interaction with them has led you to believe.

california4460d ago (Edited 4460d ago )

People do not want to watch Sigourney Weaver give birth for 90 minutes that's why lol! I hope you have a daughter and she becomes the first female president.

delosisland4460d ago

Guys...common. he's joking. Lol

Morgue4460d ago


Nice backwoods mentality there. You'll go real far in life.

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Roundtable: Games That Should Have Received a Sequel

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JonTheGod1112d ago (Edited 1112d ago )

The Saboteur - criminally underrated and a fantastic mechanic of bringing colour back to Nazi-occupied Paris.

The article lists Bulletstorm, Sleeping Dogs, and Aliens: Colonial Marines.


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SpamnJam1690d ago

Can't argue with any of those really, but I would add Resident Evil Operation Racoon City and Metal Gear Survive to that list. Both terrible games from good franchises.

AK911690d ago

Bulletstorm, I actually liked the gameplay but the atrocious writing and characters made me despise the game by the end of it.


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FTLmaster1759d ago

I still play AvP on PS3 to this day. That game had fun multiplayer too.