
Rambo: The Video Game to be Playable at Gamescom

UK videogame publisher Reef Entertainment has today announced that RAMBO Rambo: The Video Game will be playable on the show floor at this year’s Gamescom. Little is currently known about the forthcoming videogame, and yet anticipation is already riding high.

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pixelsword4461d ago

Like they (sort of) said on the Simpsons:

Anything that's the something of something is the nothing of nothing.

Hopefully I'm wrong, but...

PoSTedUP4461d ago

rambo in a video game is a must buy even if it gets a 6/10 7/10. you'll get to play as RAMBO in a VIDEO GAME, enough said.

optimus4461d ago

@posted... I take it you missed the rambo games for the 8 bit sega master system from back in the day...he is long overdo for an upgrade though. I hope they do it right.

guitarded774461d ago

Every Rambo video game to date has sucked, but maybe they can actually make a decent game with over 20 years of innovation since Rambo III.

PoSTedUP4461d ago

@ optimus- yeah defiantly missed those I had a genesis when i was 3, never the 8-bit master system tho... -_-.

optimus4460d ago (Edited 4460d ago )

Here you go; it was actually a copy cat game from a popular nintendo game called ikari warriors...as simple as it looks, it was actually quite hard...and you could actually play 2 player co-op so you had 2 rambos on screen, the difference being the color of their headband.

+ Show (2) more repliesLast reply 4460d ago
Lord_Sloth4461d ago

Not necessarily. It might be a Stealth title with it's own story not going off of any of the movies. We've been in need of a good stealth game since Splinter Cell fell into the Action genre.

How does Rambo Fight? With stealth and traps. SO it could be somethin like the Deception games (which most of you won't know) meets the older Splinter Cell titles. That sounds great to me. i'd love a game like that!

Besides...It's f****** RAMBO!!!!

mathsman4461d ago

@GreenRanger How can you say that? You have no idea what their budget is yet, considering we haven't even seen a screenshot. They may only need to sell 4,000 units to break even on development costs...

EmperorDalek4461d ago

Anything with "the video game" in the title will probably be bad.

PhantomTommy4461d ago

Personally, I can't wait for RAMBO Rambo: The Video Game.

Perjoss4461d ago

If this game is bad... I will personally lure the devs out into a forest and take them out 1 by 1 using only makeshift traps and a combat knife.

FunAndGun4461d ago

...and mud, lots and lots of mud.

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10 Worst PS3 Games of All Time

Like any console, not every release was going to be a hit, and the PS3 certainly had its fair share of stinkers.

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darthv72246d ago

turning point had a really great story / concept... it just was very generic in its game play.

LucasRuinedChildhood246d ago (Edited 246d ago )

Haze is a bad game but Turning Point: Fall Of Liberty makes it seem like a captivating work of art. haha. Fuck that game

Shellshock 2: Blood Trails isn't on this list but it might be the worst game I've ever played. I got it as a present from my mam and when I saw the box, my life flashed before my eyes thinking of the Metacritic score: https://www.metacritic.com/...

I also received Turning Point: Fall Of Liberty as a present from another family member. Bless their hearts for trying but ... oh Lord. My uncle gave my Prince Of Persia: Sands Of Time and MGS2 though. 😎

DarXyde246d ago (Edited 246d ago )

Was it really that bad? I recall trying the demo and not liking it, but that's just me not liking FPS games.

People I know who played it and like FPS games mostly came to the conclusion that it has a lot of room for improvement, but it's not nearly as bad as it's made out to be.

Don't know, my opinion on these games should be taken with a grain of salt.

mastershredder246d ago

Oof! yeah, Ride was a huge fumble they tried to market twice.
Haven Fall of the King was dog-shi7-tastic and should be a runner up to some of those.
I'd even nominate Legend of Kay. Heh Haze... there is no excuse for that one (just pretend Haze did not happen).

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3 Great and Terrible Movie-Game Tie-Ins

Movie tie-ins were a staple of the video game industry not too long ago. Only within the last few years, movie studios figured out that unless you can commit the finances and time to make a good game, a movie tie in could do more harm for the brand than good. Game Guider Oscar Giggins takes a look at the top 3 best and worst movie tie-in games and looks at what made them either a memorable part of gaming history or a notorious mistake destined for the trash.

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Famitsu Review Scores: Issue 1430

This week’s Famitsu review scores are in.

Enter the Gungeon (PS4) – 7/7/8/8 [30/40]
The Genius of Sappheiros V (PSV) – 7/7/7/6 [29/40]
Rambo: The Video Game (PS3) – 6/7/6/7 [26/40]
Rocketbirds 2: Evolution (PS4) – 8/7/8/8 [31/40]
Rocketbirds 2: Evolution (PSV) – 8/7/8/8 [31/40]

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