
Dungeon Twister Review | GameDynamo

GameDynamo - "Dungeon Twister is one of those games I got to play in the middle of my board gaming career and holds a special place in my heart as always being a fun game. "

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PlayStation Store Preview – August 28, 2012

Even though this week’s update is packed full of new and exciting content for the PS3, it’s the slew of older, classic titles being made available for the PlayStation Vita for the first time that is this week’s highlight. Before the PlayStation Store updates, expect PlayStation Vita firmware 1.80 to release, updating the Vita with the ability to play the vast library of PSOne Classics already released. What will be the first PSOne Classic you load onto your Vita? Let us know in the comments below! - PSLS

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Sev4408d ago

About damn time, really.

alexcosborn4408d ago

Agreed. Should have been there day one.

decimalator4408d ago

Yeah, I'm surprised they left it as a post-launch feature to be added. That should have been a day one feature. It's good that they've added it post-launch, but still...

I'm also hoping there are more PSP titles that are supported after the new update. I'd love to play MGS Portable Ops on my Vita.

But all Vita sadness aside... this is a HUGE update. They're definitely gearing up for the holiday season. Seventeen bajillion HD collections in one day. And awesome that Peace Walker HD can be downloaded separately finally.

Slightly off-topic, but I'm excited to see what is in store for the MGS 25th anniversary this week. I hope there is a new MGS Vita game in the works.

ziggurcat4408d ago (Edited 4408d ago )

@ acharlez:

i clicked disagree mainly because, well... if you already played those games on your PSOne, and if you already played those games on the PSP, why in the world would you need to play them again on your vita?

knifefight4408d ago

Honest to freaking Buddha it should have been there from the start.

Conzul4408d ago

@ acharlez

Yes, but, come on, it's 2012. We all should know Sony's cycle by now:

1) Release hardware that should be awesome, but isn't.

2) Slowly update the capabilities of the machine with firmware DLs

3) The machine hits its awesomeness about one year before its antiquity.

cjflora4407d ago

I agree that it's a cool feature, and that new consoles should be able to play old console games, but are we really waiting for a feature like this? I mean, are there people out there with their Vita's pissed off because they can't play PSOne games on the Vita?

I have a ton of PSOne games that I've downloaded via PS+ and I have yet to play any of them. Even the ones I loved when I had my PSOne. I like having that option, but really who is sitting around waiting to play PSOne games on their Vita and getting annoyed that it isn't there yet?

NewMonday4407d ago

Psychonauts is one PS2 game i missed and couldn't find

finally i get to try it

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tdogg060519914408d ago

I know remote play will allow for LBP 2, psp,and ps1 play through the PS3 what about PSN games an is there more?

Xof4408d ago

And the rest of the Vita update is, as we've come to expect from Sony, nothing. Don't get me wrong, it's nice to finally get a feature we should have had months ago, but IMHO it's nowhere near enough to make up for Sony's incredible, inane mis-handling of the Vita these past few months.

That said, this looks to be a stellar update. On the PS3 side, obviously. Ratchet and Clank? Yes, please. Agarest War? Well, I've never gotten into 'em but it's an interesting concept, and I've heard Zero is the best, so there's that.

Of course, I thought last week's update was pretty damned awesome, too, and then WotS4 turned out to be a steaming pile of crud.

And, uh, Pyschonauts, of course. For the 3 people who don't already own the Xbox digital copy or steam copy.

crawling1824408d ago

Update appears to be out now, downloading as I type this.

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FrightfulActions4408d ago

Dang... I was really hoping Okami was coming out with this update...

Sev4408d ago

You can tell things are rough for the Vita when people are even this excited just to play old games on it.

decimalator4408d ago

There is some good stuff trickling in... Sound Shapes is awesome, albeit short. I'm already over halfway through the albums. But I'm looking forward to fiddling with the editor.

But yeah, I'm anxious for some blockbusters. Uncharted: GA was good, but it wasn't enough to keep people's interest for the past 6 months while we wait for more big games.

Sev4408d ago

Death Mode in Sound Shapes is the best part :)

topekomsi4408d ago

I ran through soundshapes, awesome game, and death mode, OMGFUN. The best part is the editor, worst part is the community wall/s, they show the same levels.

360ICE4408d ago

You barbarians ever heard of a game called Gravity Rush?

belac094408d ago ShowReplies(2)
Hicken4408d ago

People have ALWAYS been excited to play classic stuff on new hardware. HD remakes, anyone?

And the PS1 had some amazing games, many of which are available on PSN and will soon be playable on the Vita. Do you have any idea how many people have been waiting for the opportunity to play FFVII wherever they go?(For me, it's FFVIII and Legend of Dragoon, but you get the picture... or do you? I wonder...) The best part is you can use that old save from 1997, too.

That aside, you make it sound like the only thing the Vita's got going for it is the PS1 library... yet you, yourself, mention Sound Shapes, implying you enjoy it. There's also Gravity Rush(my personal favorite, and runner up for GOTY), Uncharted, and Unit 13 as standout original titles, as well as quality-yet-still-dreaded-for- some-reason ports like Rayman and The Show.

I don't get it. In the old days, even if you burned through a game in a week- which seems to be the only thing people do these days- you still played it another half dozen times, if not more. A fifty-game library a decade ago would have been enough games for the whole year, even if a few of them weren't all that great.

Now, it's not enough for six months?

I haven't "been gone" from gaming, but with the way things have changed so much, I feel I have to ask, "What'd I miss?"

BrutallyBlunt4408d ago

"What'd I miss?"

You tell us, you're the one who's on this site all day every day. You take too much stock into what everyone says. You need to ignore the negative articles and the negative people but for some reason you can't. Instead of spending time enjoying all these games you say you can play over and over again, you'd rather spend your time here defending the Vita and concerning yourself with those who may not like the system or want more from it. It's not your job to convince everyone to give it a better chance and scour every topic making sure you give Vita the recognition it deserves.

astrobrights4408d ago

Interesting, but the site is pretty lame.

Capt-FuzzyPants4408d ago

Cool I get to try Borberlands for free before I make any decisionon what to do whent the next one comes out.

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ThunderBolt: Dungeon Twister Review

ThunderBolt: Dungeon Twister for the PSN is a gaming adaptation of the popular French board game. The core concept seems deceptively simple: take a handful of fantasy characters from one part of the board to the next, or have them engage in combat. Whoever reaches the point goal first, wins. But that would be far too simplistic a way to describe this dauntingly complex game.

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Dungeon Twister - Luck is for losers (Hooked Gamers)

Hooked Gamers writes: "Dungeon Twister is a great option for friends who own the game but are unable to meet up or those who prefer the company of a computer, but casual fans would be better off purchasing the physical version."

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