
Wrapping up June for the PS Vita

E3 came and went with a whimper rather than a bang, but Sony acknowledged the blunder and good things beckon for Gamescom. At least E3 came and went, the promised June PS Heaven event has all but evaporated, unless Sony Japan works Saturdays. But, there was still lots of good things to enjoy in the world of the Vita.

Largely on the basis of the wonderful Gravity Daze in the West, offering a fantastic world to inhabit and explore and a game that doesn't rely on endless killing! And Persona in Japan which gave the Vita a much-needed lift. Good things came in small packages too...

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Xof4469d ago

Let's wrap up July, too, while we're at it: NO GAMES.

JoeReno4469d ago

Geez thats funny, June has been a good month for my vita, MGS HD, Gravity Rush, and Lego Batman2 have filled my Vita this month. So Troll elsewhere.

Xof4468d ago

It's not trolling if it's true, genius. The Vita has all of ZERO releases in July. If your twisted mind can somehow contort that fact into a GOOD thing, you, sir, are a -profoundly- deluded fanboy.

JoeReno4468d ago

whatever dude, judging by the amount of peoplr that are ignoring you on this site, and your bubble count leads me to believe that you are the trolling, delusional fanboy.

yes Vita has nothing due to release in July, I know that, but this article is about June. So your comment where you wrote "too" lumping June and July together IS Trolling. June had realeases, July is the start of the summer slump for releases its not just Vita. All platforms have a decrease in the summer months.

Canary4468d ago

N4G is filled with moronic fanboys. Judging someone by their bubble count/ignore list is retarded. If you want to get a sense of a user, examine his or her posting history.

Xof is anything but a troll. He/she is one of the handful of sensible users here, if a bit abrasive.

The simple fact of the matter is that the Playstation Vita doesn't have any games being released this July. This is not an opinion that can be agreed with or disagreed with, it is a fact. Objective reality.

If you think you can "disagree" with a factual statement, you are in a statement or delusion. This is how reality works.

JoeReno4468d ago

Canary = Xof second account. hahaha

JoeReno4468d ago

GR is a really good game. I havent finished it either, but enjoying it to pieces.

GuruStarr784468d ago

Love Gravity Rush!!

Just Platinumed the main game and can't wait to get down to the dlc missions!!

smashcrashbash4468d ago (Edited 4468d ago )

@ Canary. One thing worst then a troll is the person jumping to defend the troll who is obviously trolling. Xof is off topic whether he is right or wrong or indifferent or what ever he is. If I was on a article about what games are for Kinect in June and realized that their were no games for it in July and said 'But no games in July though' I would have a hundred disagrees and sited for either trolling or being off topic. The problem is not if he is using facts or right or wrong. He is off topic.By that logic why not wrap up August, September, October and November too? Heck why not Christmas 2013?

JoeReno4468d ago

well said +1, and thank you for expressing what i did not, or not very well at least.

psp2roundup4468d ago

I see a couple of games in July,

Jet Set Radio    Sega
Urban Trials  Sony

But with the recent sale, I need the time to play through all my June titles...


SEGA / Atlus Switch eShop sale: lowest prices for Catherine, Persona 4 Golden, Valkyria Chronicles 4

A new SEGA / Atlus May 2024 eShop sale is now live for Nintendo Switch featuring Persona 4 Golden and much more.

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Persona Series Getting Its Own Whiskey in Japan

Atlus has announced a collaboration with a well-known Japanese distillery to launch the Persona series' very own whiskey, releasing tomorrow.

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DarXyde438d ago

I'll have to make this a mission the next time I blow through Tokyo.

Hopefully soon, given the limited availability.

Seraphim438d ago

send me one while you're at it. I mean what's better than Whiskey and Persona? A cigar with the two, and that would be perfection personified.


Remasters And Remakes Make Up 90 Percent Of 2023's Highest-Rated Games

Only one of the games on the top ten is completely original.

90 percent of Metacrtitic's top ten highest-rated games of 2023 so far are remasters and remakes, with Hi-Fi Rush acting as the only wholly original game to make the list so far.

We might only be in March, but it seems like we've already got tons of great games to be talking about, including Dead Space, Resident Evil 4, Hi-Fi Rush, Persona 4 Golden, and Metroid Prime Remastered. There is one commonality between those games, however - most of them are remakes and remasters.

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