
Runescape Revolutionary Combat Update Beta Begins

Jagex have just announced that the initial beta phase for the highly anticipated combat revolution update for Runescape is now underway. Runescape has been pushing the boundaries of browser MMORPG games for over 10 years now, and despite releasing a huge graphical update during the transition to 3D, this latest update is by far the biggest in Runescape history.


“RuneScape” has just dropped its first-ever boss dungeon ("Sanctum of Rebirth")

"Jagex is thrilled to announce the arrival of RuneScape’s first-ever Boss Dungeon, the "Sanctum of Rebirth", a brand-new dungeon type set in the depths of the Underworld and available to RuneScape members today." - Jagex .


RuneScape Celebrates Spring with the Blooming Burrow

Jagex has launched a limited-time Easter-themed update for RuneScape players, inviting them to explore the charming Blooming Burrow.


RuneScape "Messed Up" On The Hero Pass And The Company Could Be For Sale Soon

And did you know Jagex is valued at up to $1.25 billion?

Kaii375d ago

ah "rollback" but not remove, always the same strategy with these companies.