
Capcom explains why Okami HD is a PSN exclusive release in North America

Capcom’s Christian Svensson explains why the upcoming Playstation 3 game, Okami HD, is a Playstation Network exclusive downloadable title in North America.

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creatchee4470d ago

So basically because the Japanese don't download as often as Americans do. I guess that makes sense, although I was hoping for a disc-based version with bonus features (like an art of Okamu thing).

SaiyanFury4469d ago

I, too, was hoping for a BD version, but I don't think the digital only release has anything to do with Japanese gamers not being download savvy. I think it has everything to do with the original PS2 Okami not selling well in North America at all. I know I bought it, and it's amazing, and I'll damn well buy the PSN release. This way Capcom don't have to shell out extra money on physical media so they can recoup the cost of production as much as possible. I don't blame them. :)

TopDudeMan4470d ago

I know it has "move support", but does it play without? I know it used to be a wii title.
And.. is it any good?

sinncross4470d ago

It used to be a PS2 title first...
so yes, move support is optional.

and yes the title is very good. I just hope they did not cut the credits like the WIi version.

HarryMasonHerpderp4470d ago

Hoping we get it on Disk in the UK.
Still getting this either way though.

Kratoscar20084470d ago

This is a good move, at least more people will get it because the absence of the chance of on-disc locked content.

Skate-AK4469d ago

Why would Capcom add DLC to a HD PS2 game?

Kratoscar20084469d ago

Cash/Crap/capcom greed knows no boundaries.

vikingland14470d ago

I have heard of this game but I don't know what type of game it is. Could someone inform me please?

lashes2ashes4470d ago

It's kinda like Zelda mixed with painting lol.

sarshelyam4470d ago

It's an adventure with an action-heavy focus on combat...very much like a Zelda game. Plenty of story, plenty of puzzles and hidden goodies to uncover.

vikingland14470d ago

Thanks it sounds right up my alley.

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ZeekQuattro809d ago

I had no idea Binary Domain was backwards compatible. I know what I'm downloading.

JayRyu808d ago

I would like El Shaddi, Afterburner Climax, and outrun 2 please. I am sure that there are other games as well but those came to mind for me right now.


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