
Atelier Meruru: The Apprentice of Arland Review | Geek Revolt

GR's DeShaun Zollicoffer writes:

Gust’s Atelier series isn’t showing any signs of slowing down; Atelier Meruru: The Apprentice of Arland is the twelfth installment. And lucky thirteen entitled Atelier Ayesha: The Alchemist of Twilight Land will be in Japanese stores next week. We probably won’t get that game until next year, but that’s okay Meruru’s adventure will keep you entertained until then.

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Arland's adventurer and apprentice - Atelier Totori vs. Atelier Meruru

"Gust's Atelier series offers plenty of lighthearted fun so let's see whether Totori or Meruru has the more worthwhile adventure." - A.J. Maciejewski from Video Chums

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VideoChums2024d ago

Make sure to vote for your favourite at the bottom of the article! :D

rainslacker2023d ago

Rorona is, and always will be my favorite. She's just too adorable.

Her game was great, but others have been better. I just like the character the most. One thing they got right in her game though was the pacing of the time aspect. Gave plenty of time without wasting too much here or there like all the other games seemed to do.

Reibooi2023d ago

I enjoyed the story for Totori more but had more fun overall with Meruru. Love them both though.

TheColbertinator2023d ago

Meruru was better. Kingdom building was a nice push for the series

Teflon022023d ago

I prefer Totori I was a bit boring and the only one that didn't hook me out of the 3 Plus versions I played though Totori was really rough on new players unlike Meruru


Atelier Arland Trilogy DX PS4 review - Demon Gaming

Lyam writes: - Atelier Arland Trilogy DX is another collection release, but this time, on PlayStation 4. The games with it are Atelier Rorona: The Alchemist of Arland, Atelier Totori: The Adventurer of Arland, and Atelier Meruru: The Apprentice of Arland, which have all appeared on PlayStation 3, as well as the PlayStation Vita. It’s quite an ongoing franchise with Atelier Rorona is the 11th game in the series and there are more plenty more to come.

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Teflon022089d ago

It's probably my favourite 3 (well didn't like meruru much) But the price is trash. Should have been normal retail price for all 3 imo.

LG_Fox_Brazil2089d ago

I haven't played the Atelier series for quite a while now. Last game I finished was Iris 3, although I didn't really liked it. I love the first one, Eternal Mana. I think I finished Atelier Iris 1 at least three times. I bought Atelier Sophie and played less than 10 hours before I dropped it. Would love to see another game with the Iris level of story telling.

Servbot412088d ago

Surprised this wasn't censored.


The ten finest RPGs you can get on your PlayStation 3

Digitally Downloaded writes: "There's only a few RPGs left to release on the PS3 now. The majority of development for those scale projects is moving to the PS4... but it is worth noting that quality over quantity and those RPGs left to release on the PS3 include Dark Souls II and Drakengard III.

With that said, I thought we could look back at the PS3 RPGs - both western and Japanese, and which I personally felt were the finest the console could offer. I'm very keen to hear what your thoughts are and which RPGs are your favourite on the console, so be sure to sound out in the comments below!"

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DualWielding3873d ago

Valkyria Chronicles
Resonance of Fate
Kingdom Hearts 1.5. HD Remix

Hicken3873d ago

I really hate when people put Skyrim on such lists. It might have improved, but what shipped on disc- which is what gamers bought- was crap Bethesda knew they could get away with releasing.

Skyrim gets no vote from me.

Then the author says people who like Valkyria Chronicles didn't play many JRPGs on PS3. Which is an observation I don't believe for a second.

StockpileTom3873d ago (Edited 3873d ago )

I see Valkyria Chronicles as more strategy than RPG but it really does blur the lines. I think it is in a class of its own and I find it to be a true masterpiece which is a term I don't throw around lightly. (I don't even consider any game in the SOCOM series I love so much to be a masterpiece. The same goes for the Souls games which I believe fall just short.)

I really would love the series to continue onto next gen and perhaps add even more RPG elements into it. I don't have much faith in that happening though since SEGA always sends their games out to die with little to no advertising... then they turn around and kill off good series because of poor sales.

[I'm sorry about all the edits- it is hard to compose my words being this tired.]

joab7773873d ago

Valkeria is my favorite...No No Kuni is a close 2nd. After that it gets muddled. Dragon Age is good. Skyrim is a good open world game but I dont love the world leveling w/ you.

Oh...and Kingdoms of Amalur is very good too.

Treian3873d ago (Edited 3873d ago )

Missing Tales Of Games...

RondoMachete3873d ago

Fallout 3 should be on there,it's the game that got me into RPG's. Still play it and always will,Awesome.

TheSaint3873d ago

Me too, bought it on release and still play it.

McScroggz3873d ago

There are a nice mix of RPG's to chose from on the PS3. Hopefully, Persona 5 will end up being a game that exceeds expectations and is the best of the bunch.

Persona 4 Golden (Vita) is simply amazing.

AsunaYuukiTheFlash3873d ago

Enchanted Arms was my first RPG on the PS3.

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