
OrangePixel's Pascal Bestebroer Talks Chrono&Cash

Chris Buffa (Modojo): The developers at OrangePixel love old school arcade games with retro graphics, which is evident the moment you see their iOS and Android efforts, from platformer INC to vertical shoot-em-up Neoteria. The studio's newest creation, Chrono&Cash, continues this tradition, with a simple-to-grasp concept, intensely challenging play and of course, a copious amount of pixel art.


OUYA Developer Interview: OrangePixel

Nick K writes:
"Recently, I had the pleasure of talking with Pascal Bestebroer, OrangePixel CEO, about developing for the OUYA. He has made a pretty diverse range of retro-inspired games that have garnered plenty of community praise. I learned a great deal including which OrangePixel games are coming."

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Kingthrash3604231d ago

Sometimes I wish there was a "yawn" button...
Guess im still high on the ps4 news.....

JoGam4231d ago

I wish Ouya luck. This is a competitive market and with these next gen systems coming out it will be tough. I hate to see companies closed. Especially companies involved in a hobby I love.

darx4231d ago

I'll be getting one. $99 bucks is very reasonable.

blackbirdi4231d ago

I m developer too but i dont See a reason to develpe for ouya if Most of the people Have pc's ,tablets and phones ... I think its just an other wAy to expand fanbase .... I got an SDK it believe me guys ut very weak platforme for 3d Games ....i tested need for speed Most wanted and shadow gun and theyruns very laggy on ouya


Indie Intermission - 'Chrono&Cash' The Art Of Stealing Through Time

"After reading about the Race The Sun announcement earlier I decided to find out a bit more about Brass Monkey and how it works. So I went to their official portal site and found I could get iOS and Android versions of the controller – I opted for Android as my iPhone is that of the 3G generation and therefore does not work with anything." - Alex Wilkinson

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Mobile Game Bargains: August 22, 2012

John Bedford (Modojo): All the App Store price-drops you need to know about today.